Wearing a necklace of rounded Yellow Sapphire crystals helps you adapt to the Earth’s changing environment and nourishes your body with its healing yellow ray. It helps protect your cells from solar energies that are harmful and awakens latent genes that allow your body to adapt to increasing levels of radiation from the sun. This new genetic coding also helps protects your cells from the damage caused by electromagnetic radiation from everyday appliances and medical applications, such as x-rays.
Yellow Sapphire carries the yellow color ray. Yellow Sapphire’s yellow ray strengthens the health of your skin, digestive system, and organs of elimination. It also helps correct color ray imbalances throughout your being, thereby healing and nourishing you at a fundamental level. Citrine also acts as a source of yellow ray and provides Citrine’s unique benefits. However, because Citrine’s crystalline structure is not as strong as that of Yellow Sapphire, it is unable to carry the same intensity and volume of yellow ray that Yellow Sapphire carries.
Adapting to Our Changing Environment
In recent years, the sun’s radiation has been undergoing an important change. Among other things, the sun has begun to radiate a larger volume and higher frequency of the yellow ray. As inhabitants of the Earth who depend on the sun’s rays, we must adapt to these changes. Doing so will allow us to survive and thrive under our changing sun.
Wearing a solid necklace of Yellow Sapphire helps the body adapt to the sun’s changing radiation in two ways: (1) it helps protect the cells from certain harmful energies carried by the sun’s yellow ray, and (2) it encourages the DNA to evolve and become neutral and receptive to the sun’s changing radiation.
Help Protecting Cells from Harmful Solar Radiation
The yellow ray is a carrier frequency. Like radio waves, which can carry voices, music, and other sounds, the yellow ray can carry other energies. The energies carried by Yellow Sapphire’s yellow ray are benign and supportive; they include the healing energies of sapphire and can also include other life-giving color rays. In contrast, the sun’s yellow ray carries some energies that are currently harmful to human and some animal life. Because these harmful energies piggyback the sun’s yellow ray, as the outpouring of solar yellow ray has increased, so has the volume of these harmful energies. Wearing Yellow Sapphire protects us from these harmful solar energies.
When you wear a solid necklace of Yellow Sapphire, its own yellow ray envelops your body and fills your aura. Because your aura is then saturated with this yellow ray, it can accept no more yellow ray from outside sources, such as the sun. In this way, wearing Yellow Sapphire protects your body against the harmful energies carried by solar yellow ray.
Encouraging the Evolution of Our DNA
While Yellow Sapphire is providing this protection, it also trains the body to adapt to the rising levels of radiation, both from the sun and from other sources in our environment. To do this, Yellow Sapphire helps our DNA evolve. It encourages genetic changes that allow our cells to accept the sun’s higher yellow-ray output and not be injured by the harmful energies it carries. In this way, Yellow Sapphire helps us live healthfully and harmoniously in our changing environment.
When our genetic material changes, the process of adaptation isn’t always comfortable. It might include illnesses. If we heal from the illness, our DNA adapts and becomes more receptive to the new environment. Yellow Sapphire can help us make such changes and facilitate our genetic evolution gracefully, without the need for illness or other discomforts.
We can imagine that a strand of DNA is like a piano keyboard. When you play a chord on a piano, you activate a certain set of keys and leave the rest silent. Similarly, to perform a particular function in the body, only certain genes are actively involved. The keys played in a chord are like the active genes, and the rest can be likened to what scientists have dubbed the silent, or non-coding, DNA.
When certain stresses or even benevolent changes occur in our environment, our DNA adapts to them by activating previously silent genes and deactivating others. A new piano chord is played. New keys, or genes, are now active, while others fall silent. The new configuration of active genes instructs the body to function better under the new circumstances.
Of course, the DNA won’t alter after just one instance of a stress or other environmental change; usually it takes many repetitions of a situation before the genetic changes are lasting. In the process, it is also possible that the genetic codes will become damaged, break down, or mutate. When this happens as a result of harmful radiation, serious diseases can develop.
Support for Waking Up Healthier Genes
To help our DNA evolve, Yellow Sapphire activates and deactivates certain genes. When Yellow Sapphire’s energy fills a cell, its yellow ray awakens certain “sleeping” genes and lulls other active ones into repose. A new chord, or set of genes, comes into play. We can call this new set of genes the “Yellow Sapphire chord.” These genes give a new set of instructions to the cells telling them how to perform their metabolic functions in an environment of intense Yellow Sapphire yellow ray.
If you have worn Yellow Sapphire for a while and go outside in the sun, the radiation might still temporarily activate the same old set of genes that give unhealthy instructions to the cells. However, if the Yellow Sapphire chord has been established, at first opportunity—usually, soon after you return indoors—your cells’ DNA will revert to the Yellow Sapphire chord. This bounce-back effect occurs because of the strength and resilience of the healthier chord. It provides a healthy rut for the genes to fall back into each time they stray.
Although initially Yellow Sapphire does not prevent the genes from being affected by solar radiation or other EMR, through the bounce-back effect, it can ensure that the unhealthy changes are temporary. Over time, Yellow Sapphire’s chord can become so strong and established that the DNA will insist on playing it, even when you are spending time exposed to the sun. In other words, wearing Yellow Sapphire encourages your DNA to evolve and, in time, trains it to be unaffected by greater amounts of solar radiation. Ultimately, Yellow Sapphire teaches your body to recognize and accept solar yellow ray as nourishment and to thrive in an environment of a higher volume and frequency of yellow ray.
Help Protecting Cells from Other Sources of Radiation
Of course, the sun’s rays are not the only type of radiation that the body encounters and is affected by. Today, we are increasingly bombarded by electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from a host of electronic devices, including everyday gadgets, appliances, and engines, as well as from medical applications, such as x-rays, CT scans, and radiation therapy. Among other harmful effects, exposure to EMR leaches yellow ray from our cells. Yellow Sapphire provides an abundance of yellow ray to replenish that which has been depleted by EMR exposure.
The DNA changes initiated by Yellow Sapphire that help us adapt to solar radiation also help protect our cells from damage caused by EMR.
Nourishing and Strengthening the Body with Yellow Ray
To heal from illness and maintain health, the body needs a sufficient supply of all seven color rays, including the yellow ray. The body’s supply of yellow ray can be depleted by a variety of life experiences and stresses, which can lead to myriad health problems. Wearing Yellow Sapphire can abundantly replenish the body’s yellow ray and thus help heal any condition caused by a deficiency of yellow ray.
Supporting the Skin, Other Organs of Elimination, and Other Membranes
Each of the seven color rays is particularly healing and nourishing to certain parts of the physical body. The yellow ray supports the yellow life system, which includes the organs of elimination—the skin, bladder, urinary tract, kidneys, intestines, and eliminative aspects of the liver. Any organ in the yellow life system with a disease or malfunction is likely suffering from a yellow ray deficiency. Wearing Yellow Sapphire can help strengthen these organs and resolve conditions associated with them.
Worn as a necklace, Yellow Sapphire is beneficial not only to the skin that covers the surface of the body but to our internal surfaces as well. To decide whether Yellow Sapphire can help a particular condition, look for symptoms that appear on the skin and other surfaces and linings of organs, tissues, and cells. Examples of skin conditions that can be helped by Yellow Sapphire are acne, eczema, psoriasis, and scleroderma. Yellow Sapphire can also help heal afflictions of the sinus membranes, pericardium surrounding the heart, and fascia surrounding muscles. Since the inside of the digestive tract is also like a skin, Yellow Sapphire can support the healing of conditions such as ulcers, reflux disease, Crohn’s disease, and diverticulitis.
The skin is the organ that receives the most solar radiation directly. Wearing a Yellow Sapphire necklace can help the body learn to adapt to solar radiation without causing unhealthy mutations. Over time, the skin’s cells can become less affected by the sun’s rays.
Help for Deficiency, Depletion, and Frailty
Harmful solar and other radiation can also cause cellular malnourishment, because radiation disrupts the cells’ ability to take in needed nutrients. Cells become so busy trying to protect themselves from the unwanted invasion of the radiation that they can also close themselves off to healthy input, such as nutrients and healthful energies. The cells become starved and weakened at the same time they are being robbed of yellow ray and possibly suffering DNA breakdowns. In the short term, Yellow Sapphire provides enough yellow ray to offset the malnourishment that results from this radiation. In the long term, Yellow Sapphire promotes genetic evolution to allow the cells to live and function normally in the midst of today’s radiation stresses.
Yellow Sapphire can also help resolve diseases associated with deficiency and depletion. Depletion that manifests in a physical condition suggests color ray deficiencies at a deeper level. Such conditions can include dehydration, anorexia, exhaustion, anemia (including chronic and pernicious anemia), plus the debility of old age. Yellow Sapphire’s yellow ray acts as a bridge to allow other color rays to enter the body. For this reason, the body can essentially lean on Yellow Sapphire like an “energetic crutch” while it is collecting other color rays to feed its organs and muscles and to rebuild its own strength. Thus, the weak and the frail can also benefit from Yellow Sapphire.
The Body’s Need for Sunlight
Via the Earth’s atmosphere, the sun provides an abundant and essential source of color rays for the human body. Consequently, spending at least brief periods of time in the sun is essential to human health. Without enough exposure to the sun, people can develop color ray deficiencies. These manifest as conditions identified with a lack of sunlight, such as seasonal depression.
If you live in an area that is frequently cloudy or periodically receives very little sun, or if you work the night shift, it is helpful to wear Yellow Sapphire during periods of reduced sunlight. Yellow Sapphire can also help if you are sun-sensitive and must stay indoors. Under Yellow Sapphire’s influence, your cells will learn to use what little sunlight they get more efficiently. If you are sensitive to the sun, over time Yellow Sapphire might decrease your sensitivity.
Some people notice that when they spend too much time in the sun they feel drained of energy. This can be caused by the bombardment of solar radiation. Those who wear Yellow Sapphire may find that they can spend more time outdoors with fewer negative effects.
Caution: Yellow Sapphire will not prevent sunburn and should not be used as a substitute for sunscreen.
Emotional Healing
As soon as you place a therapeutic Yellow Sapphire necklace around your neck, its yellow ray fills your emotional body. There, it has a protective and stabilizing effect and helps correct color ray deficiencies that may be causing emotional imbalances.
Enhancing Self-Esteem
The color ray spectrums in the emotional body affect which emotions we feel. Interestingly, it is the spectrums in both the emotional and causal bodies that influence how we behave and express those emotions. For example, the collective emotional bodies of all the people in our community define what is acceptable emotional expression in our culture. This social spectrum information is stored in the causal body and affects how we express our emotions. For example, while both a British and Bedouin matron may feel the same intensity of joy or grief, each will likely express her feelings differently based on the collective spectrum of her culture.
Simply wearing Yellow Sapphire can correct color ray imbalances in your emotional-body spectrum and help all the other color rays find their proper places there. As your emotional spectrum evolves, you will become less susceptible to the negative and restrictive influences of the community spectrum. Your own spectrum will become strong enough to stand on its own. You’ll be able to “be yourself” with less susceptibility to social pressure Therefore, both children and adults who have trouble with self-identity and peer pressure can benefit from Yellow Sapphire.
Relief for Depression, Anxiety, and Disconnection
Feelings that tend to be associated with a deficiency of yellow ray include depression, anxiety, and numbness to your condition (as in not realizing how sleepy, thirsty, hungry, moody, anxious, depressed, or sad you are). Lack of honesty with yourself, not facing your true feelings, and not realizing or acknowledging the severity of a certain condition are also symptoms of yellow ray deficiency. Feelings associated with an abundance of yellow ray and well-supplied color spectrums include a healthy sense of self-esteem, self-confidence, and other emotions that support one’s sense of individuality.
Intense fear can use up inner stores of yellow ray. Because it takes much yellow ray to process fear, having a panic or anxiety attack can leave you depleted of yellow ray. During such attacks, so much yellow ray is being used that a person’s aura can appear yellow. (Thus, it might be no coincidence that certain cultures brand someone as “yellow” if he is afraid.) Wearing Yellow Sapphire can restore the yellow ray after an episode of fear or anxiety.
Experiencing the Full Spectrum of Emotions
The physical body often depends on the emotional body for color rays. If the physical body lacks a color ray, it looks to the emotional body for support. Physical symptoms that go untreated keep drawing on the emotional body for color supplementation. Over time, the emotional body can get depleted. When this happens, its capacity to hold necessary color rays narrows and becomes more limited, thus diminishing the range of emotional expressions. This can lead to habitual and mechanical emotional responses. An example of this is the stereotypical old codger who increasingly wallows in complaints and grumpiness until that’s all he can emote.
An emotional body that contains a full range of color rays responds spontaneously, freely, genuinely, and honestly. The greater the capacity of your emotional body to contain color rays, the healthier your emotional responses naturally will be. Yellow Sapphire provides the groundwork for color ray deficiencies to be corrected and your emotional body to experience its full spectrum of color.
Facilitating Memory Retrieval
When we experience an event, a memory is born. Our experience is impressed into the memory, or causal, body. The ability to retrieve memories and the process of retrieving them boils down to the ability, first, to organize the memories when they are formed and stored; second, to know where to look for them when you want them; and, third, to clearly perceive what you retrieve. Yellow Sapphire can help the causal body recognize the spectrums of experiences that occur while you are wearing Yellow Sapphire. Consequently, you can later retrieve those memory spectrums more easily. This effect will continue after the necklace is removed, for as long as a heightened amount of yellow ray remains in your causal body. Yellow Sapphire will also help you retrieve memories collected before you wore the necklace, though to a lesser degree. Your short-term memory might improve as you continue to work with the gemstone; and, as your short-term memories become long-term memories, these too can become more available.
When you wear Yellow Sapphire, you might also find that you less often encounter people who annoyingly rehash settled arguments or keep digging up memories you prefer to remain in the past. When your aura is filled with yellow ray, you and those around you are more likely to deal with situations in present time, and old, out-of-date spectrums will resolve more easily.
Relaxing the Mind and Improving Intuition
The vibrations of Yellow Sapphire worn around the neck do not fill the mental aura. Yet the effects of Yellow Sapphire on the mind are not inconsequential, simply indirect.
When you wear Yellow Sapphire, its yellow ray reflects off your causal aura, drawing the mind’s attention to the lower bodies, where it sees an abundance of yellow ray. There, the mind perceives increased order and fulfillment of the physical and subtle bodies’ color ray needs. Because the mind loves order, it relaxes in the knowledge that all is well and being taken care of. The more relaxed the mind, the more able it is to receive all color rays from their source in the undifferentiated white light. As the mind opens to the true source of light and color, it becomes a better instrument of mental activity. It is less likely to censor intuitive information and more likely to pass it on to the conscious mind, where you become aware of it. In this way, Yellow Sapphire improves your intuition and helps you draw intuitive knowledge from any level of your being.
Preparing for the Transition at the End of Life
Anyone who is approaching the greatest transition in life can benefit from Yellow Sapphire, as its pure yellow ray can help us adjust to the white light we will meet when our physical bodies cease to function. The yellow ray can act like a bridge to the white light and encourage a more peaceful transition. Thus, Yellow Sapphire can be worn to ease the fear of death.
Living Harmoniously with the Earth and in Our Communities
If you want to develop a closer, more harmonious relationship with the Earth, wearing Yellow Sapphire is a good choice. Our DNA tells our cells not only how to behave but also how to behave with each other, so that they can communicate with each other for optimal functioning.Â
On a larger scale, the DNA changes encouraged by Yellow Sapphire will give rise not only to changes in the way we function but also in the way we behave and express ourselves in our communities. The new, improved combination of genetic information can help us live more harmoniously under the sun, with the Earth, and with each other, and perhaps also become kinder stewards of the planet. Yellow Sapphire will help us recognize that life depends on symbiosis and healthy relationships. Indeed, developing peaceful relationships among ourselves and with our planet, and adapting to the Earth’s changes, is essential for our survival.
All in the Family
The auras of those who wear Yellow Sapphire become so filled with yellow ray that they become a source of yellow ray nourishment for others in their environment. Consequently, one Yellow Sapphire necklace per family household is usually all that is required. Adults and older children can take turns wearing it. Young children can receive its benefits from being around other family members who are wearing the necklace.
Yellow Sapphire and Other Gemstones
A solid necklace of Yellow Sapphire can be worn along with any other therapeutic gemstone necklace as long as the combination of necklaces suits the wearer. Since Yellow Sapphire is a special form of energy medicine, a gemstone that is beneficial when worn separately from Yellow Sapphire might make for a disharmonious pairing when worn with it. Before wearing another gemstone necklace with Yellow Sapphire, test the combination for compatibility.
Compatibility with Other Necklaces
In general, Yellow Sapphire and Emerald are compatible, as are Yellow Sapphire and the combination necklace Ocean Rainbow. Wearing a solid Yellow Sapphire necklace with the combination necklace Ocean Rainbow can help heal color ray deficiencies at all levels of your being. Ocean Rainbow contains all seven color ray gemstones along with white Pearl.
Nonetheless, it is always a good idea to check for compatibility whenever you wish to wear two or more gemstone necklaces together using the Necklace Compatibility Test.
Comparison of Yellow Sapphire to Pink Tourmaline
Wearing a therapeutic Pink Tourmaline necklace offers a degree of protection from electromagnetic radiation (EMR), but through a different mechanism and in a different time frame than Yellow Sapphire. In addition, the effects of Pink Tourmaline are specific to EMR, such as that emitted by appliances, engines, and computers, and do not include protection from solar radiation.
When you wear a Pink Tourmaline necklace, its energy fills your aura, effectively transforming your aura into a shield, but only as long as you are wearing the necklace. While you are wearing a Yellow Sapphire necklace, it fills your aura with yellow ray, which prevents the EMR from leaching your body of yellow ray. If you wear Yellow Sapphire long enough, it helps your DNA evolve so you can live without genetic damage in a world of high-intensity solar yellow ray. As a side benefit, such evolution also prevents DNA damage from EMR.
If you are frequently exposed to an environment with EMR, wear Yellow Sapphire to protect your color ray levels and, in time, teach your DNA to be unaffected by such environments. If you want immediate protection from such an environment, wear Pink Tourmaline.