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Countdown to Black Friday! 30% Off All Gemstone Necklaces


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All Therapeutic Gemstone Necklaces

Gemisphere's therapeutic gemstone necklaces are wearable energy medicine tools that can uplift the health of your body, mind, and emotions gently and naturally.

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Crystal healing Mother of Pearl necklace for energy protection and emotional fulfillmentA mother and daughter wearing a crystal healing Mother of Pearl necklace for energy protection and emotional fulfillment
Mother of Pearl
Emotional Fulfillment
Sale price From $175
Crystal healing Light Green Aventurine gemstone necklace known for uplifting your physical health Man wearing a crystal healing Light Green Aventurine gemstone necklace known for uplifting your physical health
Light Green Aventurine
Uplifting Physical Health
Sale price From $95
Bloodstone healing gem necklace on a clean, white background, known for boosting the immune system through crystal healingA Bloodstone healing gemstone necklace, lays on green moss near a stream, known for boosting the immune system through crystal healing
Immune Strength
Sale price From $145
Crystal healing Dark Green Aventurine necklace known for strengthening and purifying organsCrystal healing Dark Green Aventurine necklace known for strengthening and purifying organs being played on an arm
Dark Green Aventurine
Purifying the Physical Body
Sale price From $95
Crystal healing Poppy Jasper necklace known for helping boost energyA woman hold a crystal healing Poppy Jasper necklace known for helping boost energy
Poppy Jasper
Enlivening Your Body
Sale price From $95
Crystal healing Sodalight necklace for energy protection and purifying the aura Two hands holding a Crystal healing Sodalight necklace for energy protection and purifying the aura
Purifying the Aura
Sale price From $225
Crystal healing Lavender necklace known for helping align body, mind and spiritA woman meditating wearing a crystal healing Lavender necklace known for helping align body, mind and spirit
Sale price From $345
Crystal healing Blue Lace Agate necklace known for increasing confidence and self worthLight shines through a crystal healing Blue Lace Agate necklace known for increasing confidence and self-worth
Blue Lace Agate
Inner and Outer Strength
Sale price From $175
Crystal healing Riverstone necklace known for accelerating positive change in your lifeCrystal healing Riverstone necklace known for accelerating positive change in your life
Accelerating Change
Sale price From $95
Crystal healing gemstone necklace known for helping anchor positive changesCrystal healing gemstone necklace known for helping anchor positive changes
Stabilizing Progress
Sale price From $89
Crystal healing Carnelian necklace known for increasing optimism, vitality, joyCarnelian
Revitalizing Your Being
Sale price From $99
Crystal Healing Precious Carnelian necklace known for increasing optimism, vitality, joyCrystal Healing Precious Carnelian necklace known for increasing optimism, vitality, joy
Carnelian (Precious)
Revitalizing Your Being
Sale price From $939
Crystal healing Rose Quartz necklace known for purifying emotions and healing the heartCrystal healing Rose Quartz necklace known for purifying your emotions and healing the heart
Roselle (Rose Quartz)
Purifying the Emotions
Sale price From $145
Out of Stock Crystal healing Opalight gemstone necklace known for resolving the karmic causes of a physical conditionCrystal healing Opalight gemstone necklace known for resolving the karmic causes of a physical condition
Resolving Karma
Sale price$345
Crystal healing Malachite gemstone necklace known for increasing communication throughout the bodyA woman wearing a crystal healing Malachite gemstone necklace known for increasing communication throughout the body
Harmonizing the Body
Sale price From $395
Crystal healing Quartz gemstone necklace known for attracting life-force to the wearerA man wearing a crystal healing Quartz gemstone necklace known for attracting life-force to the wearer
Attracting Life Force
Sale price From $99
Crystal healing Onyx gemstone necklace known for helping you become grounded and focusedA woman wearing a crystal healing Onyx gemstone necklace known for helping one become grounded and focused
Becoming Grounded
Sale price From $69
Agate therapeutic necklaceAgate therapeutic necklace
Nature's Nourishment
Sale price From $99
Crystal healing Indigo necklace known for developing and clarifying your intuitionMan wearing a crystal healing Indigo necklace known for developing and clarifying your intuition
Developing Intuition
Sale price From $495
Crystal Healing Amethyst necklace known for attaining wisdomAmethyst therapeutic necklace on woman with blond hair
Attaining Wisdom
Sale price From $475
Precious Amethyst therapeutic necklaceCrystal healing Amethyst therapeutic necklace known for attaining wisdom
Amethyst (Precious)
Attaining Wisdom
Sale price From $695
Leopardskin JasperLeopardskin Jasper
Leopardskin Jasper
Attracting Harmony
Sale price From $95
Crystal healing True Soul gemstone necklace known for supporting brain healthCrystal healing True Soul gemstone necklace known for supporting brain health
True Soul
Living Your Highest Self
Sale price From $695
Crystal healing Labradorite necklace known for energy protectionCrystal healing Labradorite necklace known for energy protection
Multidimensional Protection
Sale price From $345
Crystal healing Lapis Lazuli necklace for harmonizing your heart and mind A man smiling in a forest wearing a Crystal healing Lapis Lazuli necklace for harmonizing heart and mind
Lapis Lazuli
Harmonizing Heart and Mind
Sale price From $445
Crystal healing gemstone necklace known to radiate warmth, compassion, and peaceCrystal healing Sun Peach gemstone necklace known for radiating warmth, compassion, and peace
Sun Peach
Radiant Peace
Sale price$1,795
Crystal healing Radiant Heart necklace known for helping you feel comforted and nurtured Crystal healing Radiant Heart necklace known for helping you feel comforted and nurtured
Radiant Heart
Finding Inner Peace
Sale price From $495
Crystal healing Solar Light gemstone necklace known for protecting cells from solar and other EMR damageWoman wearing a crystal healing Solar Light gemstone necklace known for protecting cells from solar and other EMR damage
Solar Light
Supporting Genetic Health
Sale price From $3,995
Out of Stock Crystal healing Primordial Forest known to help bring nature’s healing power to organsThree crystal healing necklaces with Chrome Diopside
Primordial Forest
Restoring Natural Vitality
Sale price$995
Blood Tonic necklace with Sugilite, Carnelian, Bloodstone therapeutic gemstones - GemisphereBlood Tonic necklace with Sugilite, Carnelian, Bloodstone therapeutic gemstones - Gemisphere
Blood Tonic (Semi-Precious)
Optimizing Blood Health
Sale price From $695
Crystal healing Purple Eagle necklace that helps Resolve the inner causes of a physical conditionWoman wearing a Purple Eagle crystal healing necklace which helps resolve the inner causes of a physical condition
Purple Eagle
Multidimensional Healing
Sale price From $595
Crystal healing Inner Quest necklace known for Improving mental focusWoman wearing a crystal healing Inner Quest necklace known for Improving mental focus
Inner Quest
Opening to the Blue Ray
Sale price From $795
Athena necklace with Green Tourmaline, White Flash Moonstone and Blue Lace AgateAthena necklace with Green Tourmaline, White Flash Moonstone and Blue Lace Agate
Strength in Body
Sale price From $845
Crystal healing Insight necklace known for helping you understand the spiritual meaning of moneyWoman wearing a crystal healing Insight necklace known for helping you understand the spiritual meaning of money
True Meaning of Wealth
Sale price From $545
Blood Tonic necklace with Sugilite, Carnelian, Bloodstone therapeutic gemstones - GemisphereBlood Tonic necklace with Sugilite, Carnelian, Bloodstone therapeutic gemstones - Gemisphere
Blood Tonic (Precious)
Optimizing Blood Health
Sale price From $795
Crystal healing Citrine necklace known for letting go of what no longer serves youCrystal healing Citrine necklace known for letting go of what no longer serves you
Fulfilling Your Potential
Sale price From $1,655
Crystal healing Jade necklace known for increasing physical strength and promoting longevityCrystal healing Jade necklace and bracelet known for increasing physical strength and promoting longevity
Green Jade
Longevity and Wisdom
Sale price From $695
Crystal healing Rhodonite gemstone necklace known for fostering emotional strength and stabilityCrystal healing Rhodonite gemstone necklace known for fostering emotional strength and stability
Emotional Transformation
Sale price From $165
Crystal healing Summer necklace known for supporting organ healthA woman wearing a crystal healing Summer necklace known for supporting organ health
Healing the Physical Body
Sale price$2,495
Ruby RoseRuby Rose
Ruby Rose
Healing the Heart
Sale price From $1,995
Crystal healing Rhodochrosite necklace known for helping you break free from unhealthy patterns and habits Crystal healing Rhodochrosite necklace known for helping you break free from unhealthy patterns and habits
Developing Inner Freedom
Sale price From $2,795
Crystal healing Breanna necklace known for developing higher consciousnessA woman wearing a crystal healing Breanna necklace known for developing higher consciousness
Higher Consciousness
Sale price From $595
Crystal healing White Flash Moonstone necklace known for restoring youthfulnessCrystal healing White Flash Moonstone necklace known for restoring youthfulness
White Flash Moonstone
Sale price From $1,395
Crystal healing Lavender Rainbow gemstone necklace known for aligning and supporting your chakrasA woman wearing a crystal healing Lavender Rainbow gemstone necklace known for aligning and supporting your chakras
Lavender Rainbow
Color Ray Nourishment
Sale price$3,995
Out of Stock Crystal healing Libra necklace known for breaking unhealthy habitsCrystal healing Libra necklace known for breaking unhealthy habits
Balanced Change
Sale price$1,295
Out of Stock Crystal healing Apatite Strength necklace known for purifying and strengthening bones and jointsClose up of a crystal healing Apatite Strength necklace known for purifying and strengthening bones and joints
Apatite Strength
Strengthening Your Structure
Sale price$4,495
Crystal healing Golden Sun Necklace known for experiencing Sunstone's healing benefits Crystal healing Golden Sun Necklace known for experiencing Sunstone healing benefits
Golden Sun
The Warmth of Soul
Sale price From $895
Crystal healing Light Green Emerine known for Soothing physical and emotional discomfortMan wearing a crystal healing Light Green Emerine known for Soothing physical and emotional discomfort
Light Green Emerine
Soothing the Body
Sale price From $1,295