The Importance of Therapeutic Quality
Our experience has demonstrated that only the finest quality, pure gems yield the results that we’ve come to expect from gemstone energy medicine. At Gemisphere, we have dedicated ourselves to providing therapeutic crystals and gemstones of unparalleled purity and quality that can deliver these results.
Only the Best Will Do
When it comes to therapeutic tools, we all seek—and need—the very best. Yet one of the most common mistakes that people make is choosing gemstones that are not high enough in quality to produce therapeutic benefits.
Think about it for a moment: Would you knowingly use inferior quality medicine or medicine containing impurities? Of course not. Not only would a poor-grade medicine not provide all the results you want; it might also provide negative effects you'd rather avoid. When choosing gemstones for therapy, the primary goal is to find gems that are capable of delivering the transformation and healing we seek from them. To accomplish this, we must choose gemstones not only for their beauty, but also for their therapeutic suitability.
A Gem’s Physical Character Determines the Quality of Its Energy
Within the mineral kingdom is a wide range of naturally occurring qualities. Indeed, an infinite number of gradations exist between gemstones whose physical nature is so pure that they can express their energies freely, and gemstones that are so choked by inferior color, poor clarity, and contaminants that their beneficial energies are trapped, corrupted, or nearly nonexistent.
The physical quality of a gemstone determines the degree to which it can embody its true essence and express its true potential. Therefore, for a gemstone to be therapeutic in quality, its physical character must be pure enough to allow the gem to radiate its healing energies fully and without corruption.
Guidelines for Therapeutic Quality
Each gemstone type has unique requirementsFor every kind of gemstone there is a specific set of criteria the gemstone must meet to be suitable for therapy. Consequently, the characteristics that make one type of gemstone therapeutic do not necessarily apply to other gemstones.
To be therapeutic, a gemstone must exhibit its unique parameters for color, clarity, purity, and cut. Anything less can distort the character of the gemstone's energy and make that gemstone unsuitable for therapeutic purposes.
Seven C’s of therapeutic quality
At Gemisphere, the criteria by which we judge our gemstones fall into seven categories: character, color, clarity, consistency, cut, cleanliness, and candescence. We ensure that each bead meets the requirements for its type in all seven categories. Only Gemisphere evaluates every gemstone for these seven factors:
Unique to each gem, character describes the nature of the gemstone itself and is determined by its unique ratio of mineral components.
To be therapeutic, a gem must accurately represent the optimal color for its type. As a gem strays from its optimal color, its therapeutic effectiveness decreases. Off colors, inappropriate shades, or muddiness add undesirable energies.
Clarity requirements are unique to each gemstone type and can vary widely. For example, some gems are adversely affected by certain internal flaws or cloudiness, while others are not.
Consistency is a quality that is desirable both within a sphere and within a therapeutic necklace as a whole. In general, the quality of all spheres in a necklace should be similar to each other, without a high degree of variability. Consistency is more important for some gemstones than it is with others.
Because of the central role of shape in a gem’s therapeutic effectiveness, precision in cutting and drilling therapeutic gems is essential. Spheres and other rounded forms, such as cylinders and rounded chips, should contain a minimum of nicks and uncharacteristic irregularities. All beads should be well formed and proportioned, and spheres should have virtually no flat spots. Drill holes should be smooth and consistent in size.
To be therapeutic, most gems must be free of adulteration, such as dye, irradiation, or kerosene. These treatments can seriously disrupt a gem’s therapeutic energies and even render them harmful to the user.
Gem candescence is an optical quality that makes a gemstone look like a brilliant drop of liquid color. This liquid appearance reflects an energetic quality that indicates exceptional therapeutic potency. It is an extremely rare quality that is most often seen in colored crystalline gems.
Gemisphere's Quality Categories
Our quality categories range from 1 to 6, with 6 being the highest quality and therefore the most therapeutically potent. Our price for a given necklace, bracelet, or Gem Energy Tool is based on its quality category, gem sizes, and, in the case of precious gemstones, carat weight and price per carat.
Note that, as a gem rises in quality, its potency often increases far more than its price. Going up even one level of quality can deliver many times more therapeutic power.
Still getting used to our new quality category system? Here’s a conversion chart for visitors to our previous website:
What Happens When a Gemstone Is Nontherapeutic?
Only the very highest quality gemstones can express their full range of potential healing properties. Gemstones that don't meet certain stringent requirements of color, clarity, purity, shape, and cut are not capable of transmitting therapeutic quality energy. They will have significantly less, if any, therapeutic effect.
Indeed, poor quality gems can have detrimental effects on their users. The dyes, or foreign matter commonly found in commercially available gems can seriously inhibit the flow of healing energy through a gemstone sphere. Irregularly cut spheres, nicks, and sloppy drill holes also distort the flow of a gemstone's energies.
When people use nontherapeutic gemstones and expect them to be therapeutic, they are usually disappointed and often confused. And it's no wonder. Nontherapeutic gems cannot produce the positive changes that therapeutic-quality gemstones can initiate. Only gemstones that have been properly prepared and that meet all the criteria for therapeutic quality should be used for therapeutic purposes.
Why We Won’t Use Treated Gemstones
The vast majority of commercially available gemstones are adulterated and visually "enhanced" via heat, dyes, irradiation, kerosene, and other toxic treatments. These treatments are used to make low-quality gems look more like high-quality gems. Unfortunately, these treatments render most gemstones therapeutically useless.
For example, dye may artificially deepen a gemstone’s color, but it blocks the gem from radiating any healing energy into the aura and body. Irradiation results in the death of the crystal. It destroys the natural energy of the gemstone and replaces it with an extremely disharmonious energy. If irradiated gemstones are worn, this disharmony will be projected into the person’s aura, with potentially harmful effects on the body.
Gemisphere provides only gemstones that are free from toxic treatments, so you can be confident that the gems you receive from us were selected, shaped, and strung for optimal therapeutic power.

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