Article: What Makes Gemstones Healing?
What Makes Gemstones Healing?
Some of the planet’s most powerful healing tools are gemstones.
Throughout history, many cultures and civilizations have explored the healing properties of gems. Romans once believed that adding Amethyst crystals to their wine prevented the negative effects of drunkenness. In one culture, the dead were buried with Quartz crystals on their foreheads to help guide them safely into the afterlife.
Although we have long sensed that gemstones and crystals can offer something that no other natural source can, people haven’t always been sure how to harness the full healing potential of gems. Now, with the help of ancient cultural knowledge, the wisdom of the Gemstone Guardians, and years of experience with thousands of gemstone users, Gemisphere has uncovered the most efficient and effective way to unlock the true therapeutic power of gems.

Modern physics tells us that all matter is energy in physical form—and gemstones are no exception to this natural law. As gemstones are formed over eons, often with a combination of intense heat and pressure, they come to embody strong concentrations of energy. Just as each type of gemstone has a characteristic chemical composition, each also possesses a unique energetic signature. Thus, the energy expressed by Carnelian is different from that expressed by Ruby or Dark Green Aventurine, and so on. When gems are used properly, these intense concentrations of energy interact with the innate healing energies in the human body to nourish us physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Which gemstones can be used for healing?
Not all gemstones can be used therapeutically. To be effective for healing, a gemstone must be high in quality and properly shaped.
Quality Quality Quality
While many gemstones are beautiful, not all are therapeutic in quality. To be therapeutic, a gem must meet certain requirements for purity, clarity, color, consistency, character, and other factors. For this reason, the availability of therapeutic-quality gems is limited. Currently, a large percentage of commercially mined gems are irradiated, dyed, and otherwise treated to create the illusion that lesser quality gems are much higher in quality than they really are. These treatments distort and, in some cases, eliminate any innate healing properties that the gemstone may have had.

Shape Matters
Shape is also crucial to harnessing a gem’s healing properties. Rounding a gemstone into a sphere, rondel, or rounded chip allows its energy to flow uninterrupted in all directions. The way that a rounded gem’s energy radiates out from the gem’s center allows its energy to access and permeate our physical and subtle bodies. This access to all parts of our being is more difficult to achieve with the rough form of a crystal. Energy flow through a crystal tends to be linear, as energy flows into its base and out through its pointed end. In contrast, when therapeutic-quality gemstone spheres are strung into a necklace and worn around the neck, their energies can touch all areas of the aura to dissipate clouds of disharmony and dissolve energy blockages.
What are some of the benefits of wearing gemstones?
Each type of therapeutic gemstone provides a different suite of benefits. For example, Olympic athletes have worn Green Tourmaline to keep their physical bodies performing at high capacity and to shorten their recovery times. Wearing a Quartz necklace opens the flow of life energy to support the healing of virtually any ailment, and Agate can help relieve jet lag. Gemstones can also help with our emotional and mental health. Mother of Pearl helps heal emotional wounds from childhood and imparts its wearer with feelings of a mother’s warm love. Blue Sapphire can help bring order to the mind and to think more clearly.

How else can I use gemstones for healing?
In addition to wearing a gemstone necklace for 24/7 support, you can also use it as a tool for localized healing. For example, placing a necklace of Yellow Sapphire over your stomach after overeating can aid digestion and ease discomfort. Wrapping an Aquamarine, Quartz, or Lavender necklace around an aching joint can relieve pain. These are only a few of the countless ways in which you can use therapeutic gemstones to help support you in your day-to-day life.
View Gemisphere's collections of therapeutic gemstone necklaces.