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Article: Why People Love Quartz

Why People Love Quartz

Quartz is one of our most popular therapeutic gemstone necklaces. The Quartz stories we receive from customers are amazing, and help remind us why we do this work in the first place. 

View Quartz here. 20% off through Sunday, August 13. 

Here are a few amazing customer stories:

“I had a friend who was complaining of strong neck pain. She said she had taken muscle relaxers the night before, but they hadn’t helped. So I asked her, “Why don’t you try wearing my Quartz necklace to see if it will help?” She said OK reluctantly, figuring there was no harm in trying. Two hours later she was laughing. She said that the pain was gone and that, while no one can know for sure what made the pain go away, her experience proved that the gems had worked for her. You have to experience the gemstones for yourself. I encourage everyone to be open and try them.”

C.W., San Diego, CA

“I tried a Quartz necklace because a friend recommended it almost a year ago for attracting life force and helping me feel better. I still have a lot to work on, but the Quartz really has helped. I can be kind of a shy person, and it helps me feel alive and more excited, to do what I want to do, and to feel like I am important. It also makes me feel calmer, more relaxed, and protected. I even notice that I have more of a glow when I wear the Quartz—it helps my true beauty come out. I want to try many more necklaces!”

N.K., Buffalo, New York


“I usually don’t have cramping with my period, but this time I was in a lot of pain with severe cramping. My sister asked me what was wrong. When I told her, she took out her Quartz necklace and told me to place it where the pain was. I coiled it up on my abdomen, and within a minute the pain was gone and never returned. That’s when realized there’s something to therapeutic gemstones!”

H.B., Corvallis, Oregon

“I gave Quartz necklaces to my mother and my aunt, who is battling cancer. They both report feeling much more at peace, centered, and healthy. My aunt is now off the chemo and was expected to succumb because the chemo wasn’t working. Now, with her necklace, she says she is feeling better than she has in a very long time. She is enjoying life once again and is happy and active.”

J.M., Golden, Colorado


“Since I started wearing my Quartz necklace I have found a profound sense of peace. The sense of balance and patience it brings is addictive. It is not only beautiful; it is also very comfortable to wear. Gaia’s gifts are divine.”

M.M., New York, NY

“I have had my Quartz necklace since 2005. I first started using it to assist me with my energy work as a Reiki master. I kept wearing it every day because I realized it helped me feel energized, focused, and balanced throughout the day. Now if I forget to wear it one day, I can tell the difference in my mood and overall well-being. My Quartz necklace has become an integral part of helping me feel balanced. Thank you, Gemisphere.”

S.L. Miami, FL


“While on a road trip this past summer, my right eye started to become very sore. I was born with glaucoma, and sometimes the pressure in my eye would become overwhelming. A recent cranio-sacral therapy had helped greatly, but a few days later my eye had begun to hurt again. I set two single Quartz spheres on my closed right eye, and after a few minutes I began to feel the same comfort I had felt during the cranio-sacral therapy. After removing the Quartz, the pressure had left my eye and body. I haven’t had a problem with my eye since. Thank you!”

M.S., Clearview, Florida

“I rely on my two 30-inch Quartz necklaces. I wear them on my wrists as I bike up the canyon along the Provo River. They send a lovely, cooling energy through my wrists and ease my rheumatoid arthritis pain, so I can make my rides last as long as I wish.”

S.C., Thai Yoga Therapist

Provo, Utah

“I love wearing my Gemisphere Quartz necklace to support the energy work I do for myself and to help others. I feel like it strengthens my efforts and helps to hold their effects. It’s also very balancing. I love wearing it with other therapeutic necklaces to enhance their benefits.

I really appreciate your great customer service and LOVE the stronger thread you used when I had my necklace reconditioned!”

M.G., Holistic Health Life Coach

New Boston, Texas


“When I read your website I knew that I would purchase Quartz in my first order. The frosty finish of the beads is very nice. I use the Quartz as a go-to, everyday therapeutic tool. I wear it to energize myself and other gemstone necklaces that I wear at the same time. It helps me feel more focused, clear, and able to concentrate on what I’m doing. When I don’t wear the Quartz for a while, I miss it, so then I put it back on for that crystal clarity.”

L.S., Haiku, Hawaii

“I own several gemstone necklaces from Gemisphere and wear them proudly. Yet in 2008, when my finances and female health collapsed with the market, for some reason I did not wear my gems, even though I was on the verge of death. Then, in mid-2011, I started wearing my Quartz and Mother of Pearl gemstones again. My female issues cleared up almost overnight. In cooperation with better nutrition, taking vitamins, and prayer, these gemstones have been an integral part of my healing. Not only did my health return and I avoided a surgery that many of my peers have experienced, I have had several productive financial opportunities that are allowing me to recover financially. I am now in robust health as never before, exercise daily, eat well, and wear my gemstones every day. Thank you, Gemisphere.”

D.S., San Diego, California

“An injury to my right arm had left my wrist painful and unable to hold any weight. To ease the pain, I applied ice packs, taken anti-inflammatory drugs, and even had a chiropractic adjustment to my elbow. These remedies were helpful, but the pain still kept me awake. In desperation, on the second night, I used an ace bandage to wrap my Quartz and Leopardskin Jasper necklaces around my wrist and was able to sleep the rest of the night. The healing process took a “normal” course, but anytime I used the necklaces, there was pain relief. The results are very real.”

C.R., New Mexico


“My energy level had become lower than I needed it to be for my hectic, demanding lifestyle, and I was getting depressed about it. I owned other gemstone necklaces, but I had neglected to purchase Quartz, one of the primary gems. On receiving the Quartz necklace and introducing it to my body, I felt a definite rise in my energy. My long days are now smoother, and my public speaking experience has also been greatly enhanced.”

D.K., Charlotte, NC

“Moving to a metropolitan city after years of a quiet mountain life required a tremendous shift. I felt tired, crabby, and unable to cope well. After reading about the benefits of wearing a Quartz necklace, I purchased not one, but two. Now I don’t like to be without them! They are my friends indeed.”

K.F., Buffalo, New York


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