Staying Healthy
All of Gemisphere's therapeutic gemstone necklaces are designed to support your health, but some are more focused on prevention than others. To support the physical body and the all-around health of you and your loved ones, explore our favorite gems for staying healthy.
Quartz to foster physical, emotional, and mental balance
Bloodstone to boost the immune system
Dark Green Aventurine to improve overall health and vitality
Blood Tonic (Precious) to support blood health
Clear Spring to help speed the healing of an acute infection
White Beryl to clear and support the lymphatic system
Blue Lace Agate to help resolve longstanding chronic conditions
Citrine for digestive health
Carnelian to help stave off colds
Green Tourmaline (for men) to enhance and strengthen the male body and mind
Master Healer for profound and wide-ranging healing support, especially for chronic conditions
Roselle to keep emotions clear and flowing so emotional blockages are less likely to form and negatively affect physical health
Dark Green Emerine to support the organs and overall health
Summer to energetically nourish the physical body
Green Jade to boost core vitality and slow the forces of aging