An Aquamarine necklace of rounded gemstone crystals opens your consciousness to your inner ocean of knowledge, wisdom, and creativity. Its energy illuminates the hidden causes of physical, emotional, and mental conditions so that you may better master their lessons. Aquamarine’s light blue color deeply relaxes the body and mind and helps you let go of any resistance to the truth within. As a source of spiritual nourishment, it imparts youthful energy and brightens your aura as it brings energetic liquidity to all aspects of your being.
Aquamarine crystals developed on Earth, not just as a product of the planet’s evolution but as the result of a grand evolution constantly occurring on all levels of life. Pure spirit is the fountainhead of the life force. It is also the source of another stream of energy that flows through the inner dimensions to the physical plane. This stream is often referred to as the Healing Waters, the Nectar of the Gods, or the Fountain of Youth. As it flows through the inner planes, it changes color and consistency. When it reaches the physical plane, it manifests as the gemstone Aquamarine.
Because Aquamarine exists on every level of reality, it is able to heighten your awareness of the truth on all these levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. It also opens your awareness to the ways in which the realities or truths on these levels can sometimes seem to conflict with one another.
Simply having Aquamarine in your aura will begin to open your awareness on all levels. To understand how Aquamarine does this, you can compare yourself to a mansion with several floors. The floors of the mansion are like your inner levels. Aquamarine works to open more and more doors within this mansion and turn on the lights within its rooms. In this way, Aquamarine increases your awareness of your own inner dimensions. When you wear a necklace of therapeutic Aquamarine, you become more aware of things hiding in the recesses of your emotions, memory, and mind and thus gain insight into who you are and what your true potential is.
As your awareness grows and you gain a greater understanding of yourself, several things will start to happen. Opportunities on all levels of life will present themselves. You will also begin to understand life better, and this will allow you to work in greater harmony with your true self and with all of life.
Aquamarine works in stages: it will show you only enough about yourself to stimulate your growth to the next level of awareness. At each new level, you will be shown a little more. Aquamarine will continue this cycle for as long as you wear it. The amount of truth Aquamarine can reveal at each stage is limited only by the depth and brilliance of its blue color. Therefore, the deeper and brighter the Aquamarine’s natural color, the more it can give.
How Aquamarine Works in the Body
When you first wear Aquamarine, its energy focuses on your physical body and quickly brings energetic liquidity to the healthiest areas of your physical form. When an area becomes energetically liquid, it is more fluid, adaptable, and open to the free flow of life energy. Gradually, this liquidity spreads to less healthy areas, starting with those of higher vibration and continuing, though more slowly, into areas of increasingly lower vibrations. When your body has achieved a certain degree of liquidity, the Aquamarine will begin to work on your body’s energy currents, one at a time. Usually, it works on the energy current that is most directly involved with the area being highlighted by the Aquamarine. The Aquamarine’s focus remains on your physical body, sometimes for weeks or months, before expanding to your emotional and causal aspects.
How Aquamarine Works with Emotions
In your emotional body, Aquamarine works on the concentrations of emotional energy that are eventually passed through the chakras to the physical body to be expressed and felt as emotions. Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, you may not wish to feel or express a particular emotion. When this happens, the energy of the emotion can build and concentrate in your emotional body until you can no longer hold it in. Then the emotion bursts through for expression, often in uncomfortable or inappropriate ways. Aquamarine improves the relationship between your physical and emotional bodies and softens any concentrations of pent-up emotional energy. This allows you to express all your emotions more smoothly and comfortably. Thus, Aquamarine is particularly helpful for people who often experience strong or uncontrollable outbursts.
How Aquamarine Works with the Mind
Your mind, which profoundly influences every aspect of your health, has energetic ties to every part of your being, including your physical body. These energetic ties resemble threads of light. As the stresses of living accumulate, these threads can become darkened with disharmonious energy, causing the threads to tighten their grip in an unhealthy way. When Aquamarine starts working on your physical cells, its light and liquidity touch these threads and begin to infiltrate your mind. This is especially true of Aquamarine in which the color blue dominates. Blue Aquamarine has an affinity with the aspect of your mind that is present in every physical cell, every wave of emotion, and every memory stored in your causal body. Aquamarine restores light to these energetic threads and relaxes their grip. This allows your physical, emotional, and causal bodies to exercise their own intelligence more fully and to better focus on restoring and maintaining your health.
Aquamarine as a Spiritual Tool
Aquamarine is most beneficial to those who are on a path of spiritual awakening. It helps those who want to know more about themselves, their destiny, and their potential. It is especially helpful for those who have reached apparent plateaus in their spiritual unfoldment, for it can help awaken them to new vistas and help them grow to ever-higher levels.
Support for Soothing Grief and Trauma
Aquamarine can ease any overwhelming physical, mental, or emotional pain, especially the pain of grief. This is, in part, a result of Aquamarine’s brightening of the aura. Because you view the world through your aura, when it is made brighter, your outlook is brightened as well. Aquamarine’s liquidity effect can also loosen the bonds of traumatic and painful memories. This effect will probably occur only after you have worn Aquamarine for several months.
Easing the Transition to Life’s End
It is Aquamarine’s mission to help people evolve and unfold. In the physical world, this sometimes means helping someone complete certain cycles within a physical body. This does not mean that Aquamarine hastens physical death. Yet, when death comes near, Aquamarine can lighten the load, shine the way, and make the experience calmer and less fearful. Therefore, one of the greatest gifts you can give to a dying person is an Aquamarine necklace. It will help ease the transition.
Aquamarine Rounded Chips vs. Spheres and Rondels
The most economical way to use therapeutic Aquamarine is in the form of rounded chips rather than spheres or rondels. Quality and mass being equal, Aquamarine rounded chips, spheres, and rondels radiate energies of equal intensity, but chips project their energy more actively and initiate change more forcefully. The effect of Aquamarine chips is similar to that of rough ocean waves pounding a cliff: the waves gradually wear the cliff away. In comparison, Aquamarine spheres and rondels act like gentle rain; eventually the rain erodes the rock but not nearly as quickly as the rough waves do.
Aquamarine Water: Fountain of Youthful Vitality
Through the use of a simple technique, you can infuse your drinking water with the vitalizing energy of a therapeutic Aquamarine necklace or Aquamarine Strand. The resulting Aquamarine Water reawakens your cells’ natural ability to rejuvenate and heal themselves.
Drinking Aquamarine Water is an easy and natural way to help unlock the secrets of longevity. By stimulating our cells’ capacity for self-renewal, Aquamarine Water can halt, and even reverse, the negative effects of aging. Drinking Aquamarine Water can help us reap the rewards that growing older is meant to provide: a deepening and expansion of our capacity for life. Aquamarine Water awakens the wisdom deep within our cells so that our hearts and minds can continue to flourish, and our bodies can enjoy the vitality, fluidity, and vigor that are their birthright.
Aquamarine Water encourages your atoms, and thus your cells, to enter and stay in an energetically fluid state. In this state, a cell more easily perceives and follows its “blueprint,” or energetic picture of its ideal condition. It also allows your body to accept and use more life energy. This energy nourishes and invigorates your cells, optimizing your body’s ability to evolve, maintain, and repair itself.Â
As your cells become permeated with Aquamarine Water, they naturally let go of the elements that contribute to aging and poor health. The Aquamarine energy also dissolves the harmful crystals associated with hardening and inflammation. As the water in your body is gradually replaced with Aquamarine Water, Aquamarine’s energy revitalizes and renews your entire body.
Use Rounded Chips to Make Aquamarine Water
To make Aquamarine Water, it is best to use necklaces or strands of Aquamarine rounded chips rather than spheres or rondels. The irregular impact of water cascading over the chips releases the Aquamarine energy into the water. Aquamarine spheres or rondels will also release their energy into water, but the end product will be considerably milder.
For detailed instructions on how to make, use, and benefit from Aquamarine Water, download our free e-booklet, Aquamarine Water: Fountain of Youthful Vitality,