Created in partnership with a naturopathic doctor, Rose Flame reminds you there is no greater healing force than love. With this awareness, instead of unconsciously stumbling into emotional experiences, you gain the clarity to use your emotional energies more masterfully.
Therapeutic Quality Rose Flame
Rose Flame contains Roselle (Rose Quartz), Sugilite, and Riverstone.
Roselle (Rose Quartz)
Therapeutic-quality Roselle is translucent but not to the point of being optical in quality. It is neither cloudy nor clear. Its consistency and color resemble a rose mist that permeates the entire sphere. Very minor inclusions within Roselle are part of its nature and do not diminish its therapeutic effects. However, any dullness, cloudiness, uncharacteristic color, dark inclusions, surface fissures, gouges, or poor drill holes hamper Roselle’s effectiveness. Large drill holes diminish the strength of Roselle’s radiance. Smaller drill holes allow Roselle’s energy to penetrate the aura more quickly.
Non-dyed vs. Dyed Roselle: Only natural, fine pink, gem-quality Roselle should be used therapeutically. Roselle is by nature a delicate light pink. To the untrained eye, this natural pink color may appear somewhat pale, especially when compared to dyed Roselle. Nearly all the Roselle spheres available today have been dyed in an attempt to make them look like gem-quality Roselle. Natural Roselle of a fine pink color is rare.
Although dye might make the Roselle appear higher in quality, it is a harmful irritant, which inhibits Roselle’s action. Natural Roselle calms and soothes the emotions; the soothing, massaging motion of its energy allows hidden feelings to emerge. Dyed Roselle, on the other hand, expresses an irritating energy. This energy can be so strong that, when worn, dyed Roselle can make you feel like crying or expressing anger. You may think that the Roselle is helping you to release suppressed emotions. On the contrary, the interaction of the dye with the Roselle energy creates an irritation that causes unnecessary upset. Dyed Roselle can also place stress on the chakras, which will brace themselves in self-protection against the energy of the dyed Roselle.
To guarantee that a Roselle necklace is free of dye, it must be examined under a microscope.
Therapeutic vs. Optical Quality: Optical-quality Roselle has slightly different effects from optimal therapeutic quality Roselle. Optical Roselle’s energy is more abrupt, even harsh. It can tear into the wearer’s energetic fabric, ripping open pockets of suppressed emotion.
For this reason, optical Roselle can be used for short periods when someone has an immediate need to understand his feelings about an issue. This may be the case when someone must make an important decision, or when finding clarity has become difficult because a situation has become emotionally overwhelming. Optical-quality Roselle will cut through the grief, anger, frustration, or other emotion so that the person can examine his true feelings.
Optical Roselle should not be worn for more than one or two days at a time, and often five to 15 minutes are sufficient. It is best applied under the care of a professional gem therapist or a well-trained layperson.
Sugilite is a very rare purple earthstone. Its purple color ranges from light to dark and from true purple to magenta, with all shades and variations in between. Sugilite’s color is most accurately seen outdoors or in direct sunlight.
In the Earth, Sugilite develops in proximity to other minerals, which are then commonly found in Sugilite beads. Two of these minerals—one black and one white—are beneficial and work synergistically with the Sugilite. They give each Sugilite bead a unique appearance and pattern of color. In some cases, the black mineral deepens and darkens the purple, and the white mineral lightens the purple color to lavender. In other cases, the black and white minerals appear as distinct patches and give the bead a mottled appearance. In still other cases, the black and white minerals mix to appear gray to the naked eye.
Other colored minerals are also commonly found in Sugilite beads. These minerals appear as areas of colorless translucency or silver. The influence of the colorless translucent material is neutral; it neither supports nor inhibits Sugilite’s effects. Any patches of metallic-silver color renders the bead non-therapeutic (these metallic-looking patches appear distinctly different from the gray areas described above). Gemisphere’s Sugilite necklaces contain no metallic-silver areas.
An overall maroon-brown appearance in a Sugilite necklace is not harmful but diminishes the necklace’s therapeutic effects. These necklaces can still be therapeutic in quality but are at the lower end of the therapeutic-quality scale.
To be therapeutic, each Sugilite necklace must possess a consistent hue and pattern of coloration overall. Because of the need for consistency, plus the wide-ranging diversity of Sugilite’s appearance, creating a therapeutic necklace is challenging. For this reason, each Gemisphere Sugilite necklace is special and entirely unique.
Translucent Sugilite: An extremely rare form of Sugilite is pure purple and appears translucent when held up to a light source. It is often referred to as “gel” or “jelly” Sugilite. This type of Sugilite can draw out the greatest range of unwanted energies both in the physical and subtle bodies. At this time, necklaces made entirely of gel Sugilite are nearly impossible to obtain. However, the highest quality Gemisphere necklaces contain areas or entire beads of gel Sugilite, which appears in these necklaces either as a distinct translucency or as a crystalline sheen.
Spherical Shape: Because of the relatively soft nature of Sugilite, and the varying densities of the harder black and white minerals that may be mixed within it, gem cutters have difficulty forming Sugilite into perfect spheres. Gemisphere’s Sugilite is clearly spherical and carefully polished, but on closer inspection you may find a few beads that are not impeccably round. These slight variations in shape do not detract from their therapeutic value.
Our Sugilite Necklaces: To ensure our Sugilite’s therapeutic value, we obtain the gemstones in rough form and then have them cut to our unique specifications.
Therapeutic-quality Riverstone is creamy tan with patches and veins of white or light brownish-white. Riverstone is a soft gem and must be shaped into spheres carefully. Beware of Riverstone spheres that have been sprayed with a clear coating to keep the stones from deteriorating; this coating renders the Riverstone non-therapeutic. Gemisphere’s Riverstone has a slightly shiny appearance created by the final polish given to the spheres during cutting. This polish does not affect the stones’ therapeutic value and wears off over time with use and proper cleansing. Gemisphere offers only untreated, therapeutic-quality Riverstone.