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Countdown to Black Friday! 30% Off All Gemstone Necklaces


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This collection of Gemisphere therapeutic gemstone necklaces can help enhance your self-knowledge. These healing gems heighten your awareness of and insight into your emotional, mental, and karmic patterns and strengths, so that you may better understand your authentic self and achieve greater mastery of your life.

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Crystal healing Blue Lace Agate necklace known for increasing confidence and self worthLight shines through a crystal healing Blue Lace Agate necklace known for increasing confidence and self-worth
Blue Lace Agate
Inner and Outer Strength
Sale price From $175
Out of Stock Crystal healing Opalight gemstone necklace known for resolving the karmic causes of a physical conditionCrystal healing Opalight gemstone necklace known for resolving the karmic causes of a physical condition
Resolving Karma
Sale price$345
Crystal healing Labradorite necklace known for energy protectionCrystal healing Labradorite necklace known for energy protection
Multidimensional Protection
Sale price From $345
Crystal healing Lapis Lazuli necklace for harmonizing your heart and mind A man smiling in a forest wearing a Crystal healing Lapis Lazuli necklace for harmonizing heart and mind
Lapis Lazuli
Harmonizing Heart and Mind
Sale price From $445
Out of Stock Crystal healing Heart's Wisdom necklace known for gaining wisdom through self-knowledge
Heart's Wisdom
Aligning Heart and Soul
Sale price From $995
Pharaoh Gemstone NecklacePharaoh Gemstone Necklace
Resolving Egyptian Karma
Sale price$1,495
Crystal healing Aquamarine necklace known for heightening your awareness of truthCrystal healing Aquamarine necklace known for heightening your awareness of truth
Rejuvenation and Fluidity
Sale price From $4,675
Turquoise Beryl Necklace known for helping you access your subconscious wisdom and knowledgeTurquoise Beryl Necklace known for helping you access your subconscious wisdom and knowledge
Turquoise Beryl
Mystical Journey
Sale price From $5,945
Crystal healing Lavender Light gemstone necklace known for giving joy, wisdom, and inner guidanceCrystal healing Lavender Light gemstone necklace known for giving joy, wisdom, and inner guidance
Lavender Light
Connecting to Higher Truth
Sale price From $995