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Article: 10 Gems to Stay Healthy

10 Gems to Stay Healthy

This time of year, everyone is looking for that extra boost to help them stay healthy throughout the cold and flu season. But staying healthy is more than just fighting off seasonal bugs. Supporting your body’s underlying strength and resilience will help you and your loved ones stay healthy all year round. Check out which gems made the list:


An absolute must for anyone with an immune system! (Hint: That means all of us.) Strengthening this basic part of ourselves is one of the most powerful things we can do to promote good health. Bloodstone energies work at the subcellular level to increase the effectiveness of your immune system while also encouraging better absorption of nutrients and detoxification. Not only is it a foundational health-boosting gem, it is one of our most popular gems all year round.


A perfect way to experience Emerald's powerful healing energy at a lower price point, Summer soaks your body in the life-giving, energetic nourishment of the green color ray. The Light Green Aventurine combined with Quartz amplifies the Emerald in this beautiful necklace, creating an energy that is gentle yet powerful in supporting your organs and vital life systems. When worn over long periods, Summer acts as an excellent preventive measure to support your health.


Blood Tonic

Blood is life. One of the Gemisphere Team’s favorite combination necklaces, Blood Tonic features Bloodstone, Carnelian, and Sugilite, all working together to support blood health. Most often reported as an aid in calming seasonal allergies, Blood Tonic also helps the body fight chronic inflammation, infection, and the unwanted effects of aging. Available in two versions: Blood Tonic (Precious) and Blood Tonic (Semi-Precious).

Blood Tonic

White Beryl

This sparkling gem supports the lymphatic system’s cleansing function while showering the body with a full spectrum of life-giving color rays in the form of white light. Great for helping detoxify the body, White Beryl also provides energetic support for weight loss and alleviating seasonal allergies. It can help accelerate virtually any healing process.

Blue Lace Agate

If you are looking to address longstanding chronic issues, Blue Lace Agate may be the gem you seek. The rhythmic striations in this beautiful gem foster inner and outer strength by working to push out or integrate all energies that are not natural to you. Great for alleviating pain and acute illnesses, it also supports healthy eyesight and hearing, making this Multidimensional Healing gemstone one of the most versatile in our Gems to Stay Healthy took kit.

Blue Lace Agate

Dark Green Emerine

Experience the healing power of Emerald and Aventurine in one necklace. Dark Green Emerine is one of our best-value necklaces for physical healing. It combines Dark Green Aventurine and Emerald to expel and neutralize disharmonious energies from organs and to nourish your body with green ray. Numerology is harnessed to promote change and encourage the body to resolve issues and then stabilize a new, healthier condition.

Dark Green Emerine


Because so much of our health is influenced by our digestion and the release of stress, Citrine is one of our favorite Gems to Stay Healthy. This lovely golden gem works to unwind a tight stomach chakra and thus support digestive health. This unwinding of stress and tension translates to the entire body, with a special focus on the spine. Citrine opens the body to more yellow color ray, which helps you rid yourself of all that no longer serves you, so you may accept what you need to fulfill your potential in all things.



Another supporter of the lymphatic system, this vibrant orange gem confers a sense of joy, optimism, and vitality, while boosting your immune system. We love Carnelian for its help in staving off colds, relieving seasonal allergies, and even supporting hormonal health. 


Leopardskin Jasper

A gem that strongly individualizes its work to the person wearing it, Leopardskin Jasper helps you attractive whatever elements you personally need for optimal physical health. This ancient-looking earthstone is utilized to help people improve their diets, aid the rhythmic and regulatory functions of the body, and even draw other healing gemstones into their lives. Because it attracts what someone needs, it is one of our favorites to suggest for first-time gemstone users.

Leopardskin Jasper

Green Tourmaline (For Him)

One of the most powerful gemstones a man can wear, Green Tourmaline strengthens every molecule in a man's body, tones his reproductive system, and reverses any disharmonious tendencies in his body, emotions, and mind. Green Tourmaline broadens a man's awareness as it maximizes the flow of his life force, granting him courage, vigor, and vitality.

Green Tourmaline

We hope this list helps you get started in discovering the best gems for you and your loved ones! Please feel free to call our Gem Advisor Team at 800.727.8877 if you need help making your selection.

Wishing you excellent health this holiday season and in the New Year!

During Our Holiday Sale, shop All Therapeutic Gemstone Necklaces at 30% off!


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