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Article: Blue Lace Agate Categories: What's the Difference?

Blue Lace Agate Categories: What's the Difference?

Did you know that Blue Lace Agate comes in three different categories? If you are wondering whether they all offer the same benefits, yes they do. So, what makes them different? Each category focuses these benefits on the physical and subtle bodies to varying degrees. 

Physical body issues:

  • Physical weakness, especially in individual organs and tissues
  • Frequent illness
  • Repeated injury to a particular area
  • Abnormally slow healing
  • Infiltration of unwanted tissue, such as in endometriosis
  • Weak eyesight or hearing

Subtle-body issues:

  • Low self-esteem or an uncertain sense of self
  • Feeling stressed out, irritable, or over-reactive
  • Distress or ambivalence over a choice you made in the past
  • Difficulty making decisions

Which Blue Lace Agate category suits your needs? 

Category 1

How it looks
The Blue Lace Agate spheres in this category have a slightly translucent lavender-blue background with many well-defined white bands that are visible in any light. It displays the most white of all three categories.

Where does it focus?
Category 1 directs about 80 percent of its work to your physical body, and about 20 percent to your subtle bodies. 

Category 1 works relatively quickly on physical symptoms and will take considerably longer to work on subtle body issues. When worn as a necklace, it is an excellent tool for treating an acute condition, such as a cold.

When used in a placement therapy, it focuses predominantly on the physical target area. It can bring quick, dramatic relief and healing to an injured or otherwise painful area.

Who should wear it
Category 1 is best for someone whose primary objective is to address physical symptoms and issues.


Category 2

How it looks
The background of these Blue Lace Agate spheres is translucent lavender-blue. Their bands are more translucent than those in Category 1 and are white to lavender-white in color. Consequently, the spheres display less white overall. Although visible indoors, the bands are seen most clearly outdoors, in direct sunlight, or when held up to a light source.

Where does it focus?
Category 2 works relatively equally in your physical and subtle bodies

When used in a placement therapy, its energies encompass a wider circumference around the physical target area and more of the associated areas in your subtle bodies. Thus, it addresses more of the subtle-body causes of a condition than Category 1.

Who should wear it
Category 2 has an equal emphasis on the physical and subtle bodies, making it a good choice if you want support resolving both types of issues. 


Category 3

How it looks
The overall appearance of these highly translucent Blue Lace Agate spheres is a deeper lavender-blue color than the other two categories, and the spheres appear to have a soft glow. Its translucent lavender bands are barely distinguishable indoors but become clearly visible when viewed outdoors, in direct sunlight, or with light shining through them.

Where does it focus?
Category 3 focuses about 20 percent of its work on your physical body, and about 80 percent on your subtle bodies.

Category 3 quickly and comprehensively addresses subtle-body issues as well as their physical manifestations. It is especially helpful if you have significant issues with identity, emotional extremes, decision making, and sensory perception.

In a placement therapy, Category 3 affects the immediate physical area and also spreads throughout your entire nervous system and subtle bodies to address all the factors involved in the target condition.

Who should wear it 
Category 3 is a good choice if you want a tool that places a great deal of emphasis on subtle-body issues as well as the underlying causes of physical conditions.


Enjoy 20% off Blue Lace Agate

through Sunday, May 19, 2019



Still have questions? Give us a call at 800.727.8877. Our Gem Advisors will be happy to answer your questions and help you choose the best Blue Lace Agate for you.

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