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Countdown to Black Friday! 30% Off All Gemstone Necklaces


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Mental Support

Working with these therapeutic gemstones can help clear and focus the mind, expand mental potential, and help heal certain mental imbalances. They can help you:

  • Experience greater mental clarity
  • Focus more easily
  • Bring more order into your life
  • Harmonize your heart and mind
  • Clear out mental “garbage”
  • Improve memory
  • Expand the mind to its full potential

Sodalight for clearing mental energies

Indigo to support the development of intuition

Carnelian to clear brain fog and help clarify a situation

Amethyst to tap into universal truth and wisdom

Lapis Lazuli to connect the heart and mind for mastery of self

Aquamarine for flexibility, creativity, and illumination of mind

Lavender Fire and Blue Sapphire to improve mental clarity, strength, and focus and support brain function 

Tanzanite for greater mental clarity, particularly regarding spiritual truth

Inner Quest to open experience gentle Blue Sapphire benefits

Angelfire to think more positively and clarify your intuition

Star Aqua to provide energetic rejuvenation for the brain

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Crystal healing Sodalight necklace for energy protection and purifying the aura Two hands holding a Crystal healing Sodalight necklace for energy protection and purifying the aura
Purifying the Aura
Sale price From $225
Crystal healing Carnelian necklace known for increasing optimism, vitality, joyCarnelian
Revitalizing Your Being
Sale price From $99
Crystal healing Indigo necklace known for developing and clarifying your intuitionMan wearing a crystal healing Indigo necklace known for developing and clarifying your intuition
Developing Intuition
Sale price From $495
Crystal Healing Amethyst necklace known for attaining wisdomAmethyst therapeutic necklace on woman with blond hair
Attaining Wisdom
Sale price From $595
Crystal healing Lapis Lazuli necklace for harmonizing your heart and mind A man smiling in a forest wearing a Crystal healing Lapis Lazuli necklace for harmonizing heart and mind
Lapis Lazuli
Harmonizing Heart and Mind
Sale price From $425
Crystal healing Lapis Lazuli Bracelet known for harmonizing the heart and mindCrystal healing Lapis Lazuli Bracelet known for harmonizing the heart and mind
Lapis Lazuli Bracelet
Harmonizing Heart and Mind
Sale price From $180
Crystal healing Indigo bracelet known for developing and clarifying your intuitionCrystal healing Indigo bracelet known for developing and clarifying your intuition
Indigo Bracelet
Developing Intuition
Sale price From $235
Crystal healing Inner Quest necklace known for Improving mental focusWoman wearing a crystal healing Inner Quest necklace known for Improving mental focus
Inner Quest
Opening to the Blue Ray
Sale price From $795
Out of Stock Crystal healing Citrine necklace known for letting go of what no longer serves youCrystal healing Citrine necklace known for letting go of what no longer serves you
Fulfilling Your Potential
Sale price$1,175
Lavender FireLavender Fire
Lavender Fire
Healing the Mind
Sale price From $1,495
Crystal Healing Precious Carnelian necklace known for increasing optimism, vitality, joyCrystal Healing Precious Carnelian necklace known for increasing optimism, vitality, joy
Carnelian (Precious)
Revitalizing Your Being
Sale price From $1,675
Crystal healing Aquamarine necklace known for heightening your awareness of truthCrystal healing Aquamarine necklace known for heightening your awareness of truth
Rejuvenation and Fluidity
Sale price From $4,675
Crystal healing Tanzanite necklace known for giving you access to your deepest soul wisdomCrystal healing Tanzanite necklace known for giving you access to your deepest soul wisdom
Evolving Enlightenment
Sale price From $2,795
Out of Stock Precious Amethyst therapeutic necklaceCrystal healing Amethyst therapeutic necklace known for attaining wisdom
Amethyst (Precious)
Attaining Wisdom
Sale price$0
Crystal healing Blue Sapphire necklace known for healing and strengthening the mind with gemstone healingA woman wearing a crystal healing Blue Sapphire necklace known for healing and strengthening the mind with gemstone healing
Blue Sapphire
Healing the Mind
Sale price From $7,995
Crystal healing Angelfire necklace known for its ability to help you have more positive and constructive thoughtsA hand holding two Crystal healing Angelfire necklaces known for its ability to help you have more positive and constructive thoughts
Purifying the Higher Mind
Sale price From $1,995
Crystal healing Star Aqua gemstone necklace known to rejuvenate oyour mind and brainCrystal healing Star Aqua gemstone necklace known to rejuvenate oyour mind and brain
Star Aqua
Liquid Light Purification
Sale price From $4,495