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Countdown to Black Friday! 30% Off All Gemstone Necklaces


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Gems for the New Year

Looking ahead to the New Year, we've selected some of our favorite therapeutic gemstone necklaces to encourage positive changes – and to help those changes stick. While you can find lots of helpful hints for sticking to your goals, gemstones offer something unique: 24-hour, focused energetic support that is as easy to receive as wearing a beautiful gemstone necklace!


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Crystal healing Lavender necklace known for helping align body, mind and spiritA woman meditating wearing a crystal healing Lavender necklace known for helping align body, mind and spirit
Sale price From $345
Crystal healing gemstone necklace known for helping anchor positive changesCrystal healing gemstone necklace known for helping anchor positive changes
Stabilizing Progress
Sale price From $95
On sale Crystal healing Onyx gemstone necklace known for helping you become grounded and focusedA woman wearing a crystal healing Onyx gemstone necklace known for helping one become grounded and focused
Becoming Grounded
Sale price From $55 Regular price$69
Crystal healing Lapis Lazuli necklace for harmonizing your heart and mind A man smiling in a forest wearing a Crystal healing Lapis Lazuli necklace for harmonizing heart and mind
Lapis Lazuli
Harmonizing Heart and Mind
Sale price From $425
Crystal healing Libra necklace known for breaking unhealthy habitsCrystal healing Libra necklace known for breaking unhealthy habits
Balanced Change
Sale price$1,295
Crystal healing Rhodonite gemstone necklace known for fostering emotional strength and stabilityCrystal healing Rhodonite gemstone necklace known for fostering emotional strength and stability
Emotional Transformation
Sale price From $165
Crystal healing Insight necklace known for helping you understand the spiritual meaning of moneyWoman wearing a crystal healing Insight necklace known for helping you understand the spiritual meaning of money
True Meaning of Wealth
Sale price From $545
Crystal Healing Amethyst necklace known for attaining wisdomAmethyst therapeutic necklace on woman with blond hair
Attaining Wisdom
Sale price From $595
Out of Stock Precious Amethyst therapeutic necklaceCrystal healing Amethyst therapeutic necklace known for attaining wisdom
Amethyst (Precious)
Attaining Wisdom
Sale price$0
Nourishing the Physical Body
Sale price From $2,455
Crystal healing Chrome Diopside necklace known for awakening your healing wisdom and power through gemstone healingCrystal healing Chrome Diopside necklace lying on a rock known for awakening your healing wisdom and power
Chrome Diopside
Nature’s Healing Wisdom
Sale price From $1,795
Blood Tonic necklace with Sugilite, Carnelian, Bloodstone therapeutic gemstones - GemisphereBlood Tonic necklace with Sugilite, Carnelian, Bloodstone therapeutic gemstones - Gemisphere
Blood Tonic (Semi-Precious)
Optimizing Blood Health
Sale price From $695
Blood Tonic necklace with Sugilite, Carnelian, Bloodstone therapeutic gemstones - GemisphereBlood Tonic necklace with Sugilite, Carnelian, Bloodstone therapeutic gemstones - Gemisphere
Blood Tonic (Precious)
Optimizing Blood Health
Sale price From $795
Crystal healing Golden Eagle necklace known for helping you know you are the master of your own lifeThree crystal healing necklaces with golden beryl
Golden Phoenix
Karmic Mastery
Sale price From $2,495
Crystal healing Golden Beryl necklace known for gaining mastery of your time and lifeSet of three crystal healing necklaces with Golden Beryl known for gaining mastery in your life
Golden Beryl
Nourishing the Causal Body
Sale price From $3,295
Crystal healing Clear Topaz necklace known for fulfilling your vision of healthWoman wearing a crystal healing Clear Topaz necklace known for fulfilling your vision of health
Clear Topaz
Manifesting Health
Sale price$2,025
Crystal healing Lapis Lazuli Bracelet known for harmonizing the heart and mindCrystal healing Lapis Lazuli Bracelet known for harmonizing the heart and mind
Lapis Lazuli Bracelet
Harmonizing Heart and Mind
Sale price From $180