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Higher Consciousness

Working with these gems can help heighten spiritual awareness, abolish impediments to higher states of consciousness, and strengthen the intuition. These gemstones are predominantly indigo and purple.

They can help you:

  • Let go of limiting attachments
  • Open to higher states of consciousness
  • Strengthen and clarify the intuition
  • Open to your inner source of wisdom
  • Gain clarity about your true nature or purpose

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Crystal healing Indigo necklace known for developing and clarifying your intuitionMan wearing a crystal healing Indigo necklace known for developing and clarifying your intuition
Developing Intuition
Sale price From $695
Crystal Healing Amethyst necklace known for attaining wisdomAmethyst therapeutic necklace on woman with blond hair
Attaining Wisdom
Sale price From $595
Crystal healing True Soul gemstone necklace known for supporting brain healthCrystal healing True Soul gemstone necklace known for supporting brain health
True Soul
Living Your Highest Self
Sale price From $695
Crystal healing Indigo bracelet known for developing and clarifying your intuitionCrystal healing Indigo bracelet known for developing and clarifying your intuition
Indigo Bracelet
Developing Intuition
Sale price From $300
Crystal healing Purple Eagle necklace that helps Resolve the inner causes of a physical conditionWoman wearing a Purple Eagle crystal healing necklace which helps resolve the inner causes of a physical condition
Purple Eagle
Multidimensional Healing
Sale price From $595
Crystal healing Insight necklace known for helping you understand the spiritual meaning of moneyWoman wearing a crystal healing Insight necklace known for helping you understand the spiritual meaning of money
True Meaning of Wealth
Sale price From $795
Crystal healing Breanna necklace known for developing higher consciousnessA woman wearing a crystal healing Breanna necklace known for developing higher consciousness
Higher Consciousness
Sale price From $695
Crystal healing Lavender Rainbow gemstone necklace known for aligning and supporting your chakrasA woman wearing a crystal healing Lavender Rainbow gemstone necklace known for aligning and supporting your chakras
Lavender Rainbow
Color Ray Nourishment
Sale price$3,995
Crystal healing Master Healer necklace known for elevateing your healing capacityThree different crystal healing gemstone necklaces with Tanzanite
Master Healer
Embodied Enlightenment
Sale price From $2,995
Crystal healing  Purple Ray necklace known for helping you overcome old patterns, habits, or attachmentsCrystal healing Purple Ray necklace known for helping you overcome old patterns, habits, or attachments
Purple Ray
Letting Go of Attachments
Sale price$1,495
Crystal healing Heart's Wisdom necklace known for gaining wisdom through self-knowledgeCrystal healing Heart's Wisdom necklace known for gaining wisdom through self-knowledge
Heart's Wisdom
Aligning Heart and Soul
Sale price From $995
Crystal healing Tanzanite necklace known for giving you access to your deepest soul wisdomCrystal healing Tanzanite necklace known for giving you access to your deepest soul wisdom
Evolving Enlightenment
Sale price From $5,495
Crystal healing Ocean Rainbow gemstone necklace known for helping you remember your spiritual essenceA woman doing yoga wearing a Ocean Rainbow necklace known for helping you remember your spiritual essence
Ocean Rainbow
Color Ray Nourishment
Sale price$3,995
Turquoise Beryl Necklace known for helping you access your subconscious wisdom and knowledgeTurquoise Beryl Necklace known for helping you access your subconscious wisdom and knowledge
Turquoise Beryl
Mystical Journey
Sale price From $5,455
Crystal healing Star Aqua gemstone necklace known to rejuvenate oyour mind and brainCrystal healing Star Aqua gemstone necklace known to rejuvenate oyour mind and brain
Star Aqua
Liquid Light Purification
Sale price From $4,495
Precious Amethyst therapeutic necklaceCrystal healing Amethyst therapeutic necklace known for attaining wisdom
Amethyst (Precious)
Attaining Wisdom
Sale price From $895
Crystal healing Light Steam gemstone necklace known for resolving karmaA woman wearing a crystal healing Light Steam gemstone necklace known for resolving karma
Light Stream
Color Ray Healing
Sale price From $1,695
Crystal healing Lavender Light gemstone necklace known for giving joy, wisdom, and inner guidanceCrystal healing Lavender Light gemstone necklace known for giving joy, wisdom, and inner guidance
Lavender Light
Connecting to Higher Truth
Sale price From $995
Fluorite RainbowFluorite Rainbow
Fluorite Rainbow
Color Ray Healing
Sale price From $2,995