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Countdown to Black Friday! 30% Off All Gemstone Necklaces


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Selected Necklaces 40-50% Off

Save up to 50% off this selection of Therapeutic Gemstone Necklaces!
View Entire Holiday Sale Collection
Sale ends December 24 at midnight PST.

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Crystal Healing Amethyst necklace known for attaining wisdomAmethyst therapeutic necklace on woman with blond hair
Attaining Wisdom
Sale price From $595
Out of Stock Precious Amethyst therapeutic necklaceCrystal healing Amethyst therapeutic necklace known for attaining wisdom
Amethyst (Precious)
Attaining Wisdom
Sale price$0
Nourishing the Physical Body
Sale price From $2,455
Crystal healing Aquamarine necklace known for heightening your awareness of truthCrystal healing Aquamarine necklace known for heightening your awareness of truth
Rejuvenation and Fluidity
Sale price From $4,675
Bloodstone healing gem necklace on a clean, white background, known for boosting the immune system through crystal healingA Bloodstone healing gemstone necklace, lays on green moss near a stream, known for boosting the immune system through crystal healing
Immune Strength
Sale price From $145
Crystal healing Blue Flash Moonstone necklace known to promote youthfulness in body, mind, and emotionsA man wearing a crystal healing Blue Flash Moonstone necklace known to promote youthfulness in body, mind, and emotions
Blue Flash Moonstone
Sale price From $1,969
Crystal healing Blue Lace Agate necklace known for increasing confidence and self worthLight shines through a crystal healing Blue Lace Agate necklace known for increasing confidence and self-worth
Blue Lace Agate
Inner and Outer Strength
Sale price From $395
Crystal healing Blue Sapphire necklace known for healing and strengthening the mind with gemstone healingA woman wearing a crystal healing Blue Sapphire necklace known for healing and strengthening the mind with gemstone healing
Blue Sapphire
Healing the Mind
Sale price From $7,995
Crystal healing Blue Topaz necklace known for vitalizing the bodyA woman wearing a crystal healing Blue Topaz necklace known for vitalizing the body
Blue Topaz
Sale price From $2,495
Crystal Healing Precious Carnelian necklace known for increasing optimism, vitality, joyCrystal Healing Precious Carnelian necklace known for increasing optimism, vitality, joy
Carnelian (Precious)
Revitalizing Your Being
Sale price From $1,675
Crystal healing Chrome Diopside necklace known for awakening your healing wisdom and power through gemstone healingCrystal healing Chrome Diopside necklace lying on a rock known for awakening your healing wisdom and power
Chrome Diopside
Nature’s Healing Wisdom
Sale price From $1,795
Crystal healing Emerald necklace known for healing the physical bodyA woman wearing an Emerald necklace known for physical healing
Healing the Physical Body
Sale price From $5,995
Founder's Ruby DreamFounder's Ruby Dream
Founder's Ruby Dream
Healing the Emotions
Sale price$2,495
Crystal healing Green Tourmaline necklace known for  increasing courage, vigor, and vitality.A man holding a crystal healing Green Tourmaline necklace known for increasing courage, vigor, and vitality
Green Tourmaline
Empowering the Masculine
Sale price From $3,495
Crystal healing Indigo necklace known for developing and clarifying your intuitionMan wearing a crystal healing Indigo necklace known for developing and clarifying your intuition
Developing Intuition
Sale price From $495
Crystal healing Inner Quest necklace known for Improving mental focusWoman wearing a crystal healing Inner Quest necklace known for Improving mental focus
Inner Quest
Opening to the Blue Ray
Sale price From $795
Crystal healing Labradorite necklace known for energy protectionCrystal healing Labradorite necklace known for energy protection
Multidimensional Protection
Sale price From $375
Crystal healing Master Healer necklace known for elevateing your healing capacityThree different crystal healing gemstone necklaces with Tanzanite
Master Healer
Embodied Enlightenment
Sale price From $2,995
Crystal healing Mother of Pearl necklace for energy protection and emotional fulfillmentA mother and daughter wearing a crystal healing Mother of Pearl necklace for energy protection and emotional fulfillment
Mother of Pearl
Emotional Fulfillment
Sale price From $175
Crystal healing Pink Sapphire necklace known for helping heal emotional woundsA woman wearing a crystal healing Pink Sapphire necklace known for helping heal emotional wounds
Pink Sapphire
Emotional Nourishment
Sale price From $7,995
Out of Stock Pink TourmalinePink Tourmaline
Pink Tourmaline
Empowering the Feminine
Sale price$6,795
Crystal healing Rhodochrosite necklace known for helping you break free from unhealthy patterns and habits Crystal healing Rhodochrosite necklace known for helping you break free from unhealthy patterns and habits
Developing Inner Freedom
Sale price From $2,795
Crystal healing Rhodonite gemstone necklace known for fostering emotional strength and stabilityCrystal healing Rhodonite gemstone necklace known for fostering emotional strength and stability
Emotional Transformation
Sale price From $165
Crystal healing Ruby gemstone necklace known for helping heal and open your heart chakra Crystal healing Ruby gemstone necklace known for helping heal and open your heart chakra
Healing the Emotions
Sale price From $6,375
Ruby Moon gemstone necklace known for building muscle strength Ruby Moon gemstone necklace
Ruby Moon
Awakening Physical Joy
Sale price From $2,495
Crystal healing Sugilite gemstone necklace known for clearing toxic energies Woman wearing a crystal healing Sugilite gemstone necklace known for clearing toxic energies
Clearing Unhealthy Energies
Sale price From $3,995
Crystal healing Tanzanite necklace known for giving you access to your deepest soul wisdomCrystal healing Tanzanite necklace known for giving you access to your deepest soul wisdom
Evolving Enlightenment
Sale price From $2,795
Turquoise Beryl Necklace known for helping you access your subconscious wisdom and knowledgeTurquoise Beryl Necklace known for helping you access your subconscious wisdom and knowledge
Turquoise Beryl
Mystical Journey
Sale price From $5,945
White BerylWhite Beryl
White Beryl
White Light Purification
Sale price From $1,795
Crystal healing White Flash Moonstone necklace known for restoring youthfulnessCrystal healing White Flash Moonstone necklace known for restoring youthfulness
White Flash Moonstone
Sale price From $1,055
Crystal healing Yellow Sapphire gemstone necklace  known for supporting skin and gastrointestinal healthCrystal healing Yellow Sapphire gemstone necklace known for supporting skin and gastrointestinal health
Yellow Sapphire
Supporting Genetic Health
Sale price From $5,995