Gems for 300 Common Conditions and Goals
Therapeutic gemstone necklaces are ideal energy medicine tools. They can help restore your physical vibrancy and health while energizing your goals for personal growth. For each Condition or Goal listed in this guide, we recommend several gemstone necklaces for you to choose from. Each necklace addresses the issue from a different angle.
If you would like more help choosing, please contact our Gem Advisors for a free assessment, either by phone or email.
Please note: The gemstone recommendations are not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
- Abandonment or Loss
- Abnormal Benign Growths
- Acne
- Addiction
- Adrenal Fatigue
- Allergies or Sensitivities
- Anemia
- Anti-Aging
- Anxiety
- Arthritis
- Attention Deficit Issues
- Autoimmune Conditions
- Acid reflux, chronic
- Absorption of nutrients, difficulty with
- Abuse, emotional
- Abundance, desire for
- Acute Indigestion
- Adapting to a New Environment
- Air Travel Support
- Alcoholism
- Apathy
- Asthma
- Attracting Love
- Accidents, recurring
- Caffeine Withdrawal
- Canker Sores
- Cardiovascular Health Support
- Cerebrospinal Fluid Conditions
- Chakra Imbalance
- Child's Need For Energetic Protection
- Childhood health
- Chronic Dehydration
- Chronic Diarrhea
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Chronic Illness or Disease
- Chronic Indigestion
- Clarifying Your Life Purpose
- Claustrophobia
- Colitis
- Common Cold
- Congestion
- Crohn's Disease
- Candida Infection
- Cartilage Conditions
- Cellulite
- Childbirth (Pushing Phase)
- Childbirth Support (Labor and Transition)
- Chiropractic Adjustment Support
- Chronic Heartburn
- Chronic Nausea
- Chronic Pain
- Conflict Between Heart and Mind
- Confusing Physical Symptoms
- Connecting with Unborn Child
- Constipation
- Cough
- Craniosacral Health
- Creativity
- Cysts
- Depression
- Detoxification
- Developing Wisdom
- Dietary Improvement
- Difficulty with Emotional Expression
- Digestion
- Diabetes Support
- Difficulty Adapting to Change
- Difficulty Concentrating
- Difficulty Defining Goals
- Difficulty Letting Go
- Difficulty Putting Ideas into Action
- Discomfort with Public Speaking
- Disconnection from Nature
- Disconnection from Self
- Diverticulitis Support
- Draining Effects of Public Interaction
- Eating Habits
- Emotional Authenticity
- Emotional Confusion
- Emotional Exhaustion
- Emotional Hypersensitivity
- Emotional Insight
- Emotional Instability
- Emotional Pain
- Emotional Soothing
- Emotional Trauma
- Emotions Underlying a Physical Condition
- Endometriosis
- Energetic Protection from Electromagnetic Radiation
- Enhanced Sensory Perception
- Environmental Allergies
- Exposure to Artificial Lights
- Extreme Emotional Imbalance
- Ear Infection
- Eczema
- Elimination Issues
- Emotional Resilience
- Emotional Withdrawal or Flatness
- Endocrine Imbalance
- Endurance
- Enhancing Healing Capacity
- Enhancing Intuition
- Enhancing Past-Life Awareness
- Enhancing Romantic Relationships
- Exercise Support
- Expanded Mental Abilities
- Expansion of Consciousness
- Exposure to Environmental Toxins
- Eye Conditions
- Eye Fatigue or Strain
- Fatigue
- Fear
- Feeling Nurtured
- Fever Blisters or Cold Sores
- Fibromyalgia
- Frequent Surgeries
- Feeling Overwhelmed
- Feelings of Disempowerment
- Female Health
- Fever
- Fluid Retention
- Focus
- Food Cravings
- Frequent Exposure to Medical Radiation
- Frequent Negative Emotions
- Frequent or Recurring Illness
- Frustration
- Impatience
- Improving Athletic Performance
- Inflammation
- Inner Strength
- Irritability
- Illness Prevention
- Immune Dysfunction
- Impotence
- Improving Relationships
- Increasing Motivation
- Indecision
- Infection
- Infertility
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Injury
- Inner Conflict
- Inner Freedom
- Inner Guidance
- Inner Peace
- Insight
- Insomnia
- Intestinal Conditions
- Irregular Menstruation
- Multiple Illnesses or Conditions
- Meditation and Manifestation
- Memory Issues
- Menopause Symptoms
- Menstrual Cramps
- Mental Confusion
- Mental Disorderliness or Fog
- Mental Instability
- Mental or Emotional Inflexibility
- Meridian Imbalance or Sluggishness
- Metabolic Condition or Weakness
- Migraine Headache
- Mineral Deficiency
- Mood Issues
- Motion Sickness
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Multitasking
- Muscle Conditions
- Muscle Strain or Sprain
- Muscle Strength
- Parkinson's Disease
- Physical Balance
- Physical Trauma
- Physical Weakness
- Postpartum Care
- Protection From Negative Mental or Emotional Energies
- Painful Menstruation
- Paralysis
- Periodontal disease
- Persistent Painful Memories
- Personal Boundary Issues
- Pessimism
- Physical Inflexibility
- Pineal gland health
- Pituitary Gland Health
- Plaque in Tissues
- Poor Circulation
- Poor Physical Coordination
- Posture
- Prostate Health
- Psoriasis
- Psychological Issues with Money
- Self-Criticism
- Self-Knowledge
- Self-Love
- Sense of Disconnection from Others
- Sensory Processing Dysfunction
- Sexual Health
- Shoulder Pain
- Sleeping
- Sluggish or Congested Organ
- Sore Throat
- Stomach Condition
- Stomachache
- Stress
- Sun Damage
- Support Weight Gain
- Surgery Preparation
- Systemic Illness Support
- Sense of Being Burdened
- Seasonal Depression
- Self-Confidence
- Self-Determination
- Self-Expression
- Sensitivity to Sunlight
- Sinusitis
- Skin Conditions
- Slow Healing
- Slow Progress in Life or Health
- Soft Tissue Conditions
- Spine Issues
- Spiritual Development
- Stabilizing Healthy Changes
- Stimulant Cravings
- Strengthening Your Voice
- Surgery
- Swollen Glands

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