The Ultimate Gift Guide
Holiday Gifts by Gemisphere
The perfect gift is not only thoughtful, it is a treasure that continues to be loved and appreciated for years into the future. Our beautiful therapeutic gemstones offer energetic healing support for a lifetime, making them the perfect gifts!
With the bustling holiday season, it is more important than ever to practice self-care. Our unique Holiday Gift Guide offers lots of self-care options for you and your loved ones during the holidays and throughout the year. Getting 24/7 support for personal growth and well-being is as easy as wearing one of these necklaces.
The Gemisphere Difference
Why are Gemisphere gemstones different?
Our priority is quality. We believe that, just as the purest medicines and foods offer the best support for overall health and wellness, only the highest quality gemstones have the capacity to provide true energetic nourishment and personal transformation.
To ensure that the quality of the gemstones you receive from us are pure, pristine, and therapeutic in quality, we rigorously evaluate our gems for “7 C’s”: character, color, cut, clarity, consistency, cleanliness, and candescence. This process is entirely unique to Gemisphere.
Learn more about the importance of therapeutic quality.
This holiday season, whether you want to nurture your own soul or that of a loved one, you can find a gemstone that fits every holiday wish for greater health and happiness. Check out a sampling of our gems in the guide below.
Therapeutic Gemstones for the Holidays
Our Favorite Gems for Women
Heart’s Wisdom
Aligning Heart and Soul
To foster emotional clarity and awareness of her soul’s purpose and to become open to new experiences of love
Strength in Body
For courage, energetic protection, and strength
Pink Tourmaline Stones
Empowering the Feminine
To nurture and empower all the strengths of womanhood
Our Favorite Gems for Men
Lapis Lazuli
Harmonizing Heart and Mind
To align the heart and mind for mastery in all things
Mystic Warrior
Strength in Spirit
To enhance the warrior spirit within and facilitate strength in the pursuit of goals
Green Tourmaline
Empowering the Masculine
For all-around physical, emotional, and mental strength
Calming Gem Gifts for Children
Emotional Transformation
For emotional grounding and stability
Becoming Grounded
For helping kids feel more grounded and focus on the task at hand
Mother of Pearl
Emotional Fulfillment
Soothing and comforting, this gem connects kids to maternal energy
Gifts for Parents and Caregivers
Ruby Dream
Healing the Emotions
To remain heart-centered and full of divine love
Golden Leopard
Supporting Inner Transformation
To create and maintain healthy personal boundaries
Fulfilling Your Potential
To release stress and increase flexibility
Gems for Pets
Emotional Support
For separation anxiety (great for “scaredy cats”)
Dark Green Aventurine
Purifying the Physical Body
To support stronger organs
Emotional Transformation
For the pet who could use emotional support and stability
Gems to Support Health During Holiday Travel
Nature’s Nourishing Energies
To support a connection to the Earth and to speed up recovery from jet lag
Blood TonicStrengthening and Purifying the Blood
To improve immunity when confronted with viruses
Solar LightProtection in Our Changing Environment
To help protect cells from the damaging effects of radiation while flying
Gems for Health, Wellness, Support, and Self-Care
Blood Tonic
Strengthening and Purifying the Blood
To support blood health
Revitalizing Your Being
To help stave off colds
White Beryl
White Light and Purification
To energetically clear and support the lymphatic system
Emotional Comfort
Radiant Heart
Finding Inner Peace
For support when going through a difficult change
Ruby Rose
Soothing the Heart
To heal a broken heart
Rose Flame
Emotional Freedom
To resolve emotional blockages and encourage emotional freedom
Mental Support
Lavender Fire
Healing the Mind
To support overall brain function.
Star Aqua
Liquid Light Purification
To provide energetic rejuvenation for the brain
Developing Intuition
To open and refine the intuition
Pink Tourmaline Stones
Empowering the Feminine
For energetic protection from harmful external energies, such as the negative thoughts and emotions of others
For shielding from others’ negative thoughts and emotions
Blue Lace Agate
Inner and Outer Strength
To help strengthen one’s natural energetic signature and avoid picking up foreign thoughts or energies
Gem Gifts for Everyone
Attracting Life Force
For a little more balance in life
Poppy Jasper
Enlivening Your Body
For an extra boost of energy
For fostering alignment in both body and spirit
Gems Under $150
These modestly priced gems are available with no sacrifice in quality. Perfect for smaller gifts or for those just getting started with Gemstone Energy Medicine. Shop gems under $150.
No matter how you celebrate your holiday, Gemisphere has the highest quality therapeutic gemstones to make your loved ones (and you) feel truly special. Browse our full holiday gift guide.