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Article: Worth the Cost: Why Gemstone Quality Matters


Worth the Cost: Why Gemstone Quality Matters

Why do Gemisphere gemstones sometimes cost more than others?
How much does therapeutic quality really matter?

These are two of the most common questions we hear from our customers. It turns out, the answers are related. 

The short answer is that only high-quality gemstones can safely and reliably deliver the therapeutic benefits we expect from gemstone energy medicine. High-quality gems naturally cost more for us to obtain.

But Gemisphere’s “therapeutic quality” means more than you might expect. So let’s dive in a little further!

Gemisphere’s therapeutic-quality gemstones sometimes cost more because…

… our high-quality gems are effective, reliable, and very rare.

You may find gems online or in stores that claim to have therapeutic benefits. However, the truth is that authentically healing gemstones are hard to find, since they comprise only a tiny fraction of available gems. The vast majority are low-quality stones have been dyed or altered in other ways to improve their appearance. They can fool just about anyone—even the people who sell them.

However, your body will feel the difference. A low-quality gemstone cannot initiate the energetic effects we seek from gems. Worse, those artificial treatments often render the gems non-therapeutic and can even make them detrimental to the wearer.

We make sure our gems are therapeutic quality by obtaining only high-quality, pure, and untreated stones from reliable sources. We also have the gems cut and prepared according to our exacting standards. Each and every gemstone we sell to you must first pass a rigorous testing process we call the 7 C’s of Therapeutic Quality.

No other gemstone provider can pledge this level of transparency, rigor, or reliability.

… we choose gems for their unique therapeutic abilities, not simply for beauty.

Have you ever met someone who is beautiful on the outside but whose energy just doesn’t feel right or makes you want to run the other way? The experience can be very confusing. Something similar happens when you encounter certain commercially sold gems. Remember, the vast majority are low-quality, but treated to look like “supermodels.”

When you hold or wear a gem that’s low in quality but looks beautiful, it creates internal discord. Your eyes signal to your brain that the stones are beautiful, but your body senses the strange and unusual energy. This causes a conflict between your body, mind, and inner sense of knowing. In response, your body will try to shield itself from the discordant energy.

With Gemisphere gemstones, the beauty you see is never in conflict with their energetic properties. As your senses open to the gems’ healing energies, your physical and subtle bodies feel safe to take them in and start their healing work.

… we know what we’re looking for.

Evaluating gems requires viewing and comparing hundreds—if not thousands—of samples of the same type of gemstone, often under a microscope. There’s simply no other way to learn how to identify the differences between gems that spark true healing changes, and those that are not up to the task.

Moreover, each type of gem has different requirements. The color, clarity, and cut required to make a certain gem therapeutically viable is unique to that gem. For example, cloudiness in Citrine detracts from its therapeutic potency. Conversely, in Lavender, cloudy patches make the gem a more effective vehicle for its healing energy. (These are just two of many examples.)

Thirty years of experience—and studying many thousands of gems—has provided us with the knowledge needed to evaluate over 50 different types of gems for therapeutic use.

How does this affect price? Building this know-how takes an investment of time and resources. We firmly believe it is worth it. We invest our time so that you can enjoy a lifetime of benefits from your gemstones.

… we’ve developed relationships with sources that meet our high standards.

We have spent many years finding, training, and cultivating relationships with our trusted suppliers around the world. These sources understand our meticulous standards, and they provide us with the gemstones to match.

We’ve done this work so you don’t have to. When you purchase our gems, you can do so with absolute confidence that they are safe and effective for healing work.

… we provide a safe and loving environment to prepare your gems for you.

Gemstones, and the living energy that flows through them, are gifts from the Earth that deserve respect and care. We have taken this principle to heart by turning our Gemisphere headquarters into a spa—for gems!

From the moment our gemstones enter our clean, smoke-free, and energetically welcoming environment until they leave to join you, we treat them with tender loving care. We believe this makes a significant difference in their readiness to go to work for you.

… we give our gems an energetic “wake-up call” before sending them to you.

As part of our “gemstone spa” process, we give all our gemstones a Rallop® Diamond treatment as a final step before sending them to you. This unique Gemisphere process removes any extraneous energies the gems may have picked up in the process of mining, shipping, and cutting.

This process also “wakes up” the gems and prepares them to start interacting with the human aura and body.

… we go above and beyond with wraparound support.

Our support for you doesn’t stop when you receive your gems. We have created a small, devoted team of experts to answer your questions, offer gemstone guidance, and tap our 30 years of expertise whenever you may need it. Our highly trained Gemstone Advisors provide more than customer service. Speaking with them is like having a gemstone health professional at your fingertips.

We may be a small team, but we are all here to serve you.

… we understand your passion for living a healthy life, because we feel the same way.

We understand that now more than ever, people are seeking and demanding a higher level of quality, purity, and naturalness in the foods they eat, the products they use, the materials they wear, and the environment in which they live. In other words, the world is starting to catch up to us and we love it!

Our commitment to engaging the Earth’s healing energies responsibly and in their purest form has been ongoing for 30 years—and we continue to build on that foundation for you.


Learn more about the Importance of Therapeutic Quality and The Gemisphere Difference.

Have questions? Give our Gemstone Advisors a call at 800.727.8877.


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