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Combination Necklaces Back in Stock!

30% Off All Therapeutic Gemstone Necklaces


Sale ends Saturday, December 24, 2022

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Crystal healing True Soul gemstone necklace known for supporting brain healthCrystal healing True Soul gemstone necklace known for supporting brain health
True Soul
Living Your Highest Self
Sale price From $695
Crystal healing Light Green Emerine known for Soothing physical and emotional discomfortMan wearing a crystal healing Light Green Emerine known for Soothing physical and emotional discomfort
Light Green Emerine
Soothing the Body
Sale price From $995
Crystal healing Radiant Heart necklace known for helping you feel comforted and nurtured Crystal healing Radiant Heart necklace known for helping you feel comforted and nurtured
Radiant Heart
Finding Inner Peace
Sale price From $495
Blood Tonic necklace with Sugilite, Carnelian, Bloodstone therapeutic gemstones - GemisphereBlood Tonic necklace with Sugilite, Carnelian, Bloodstone therapeutic gemstones - Gemisphere
Blood Tonic (Precious)
Optimizing Blood Health
Sale price From $795
Dark Green EmerineDark Green Emerine
Dark Green Emerine
Purification and Healing
Sale price From $2,495
Crystal healing Ocean Rainbow gemstone necklace known for helping you remember your spiritual essenceA woman doing yoga wearing a Ocean Rainbow necklace known for helping you remember your spiritual essence
Ocean Rainbow
Color Ray Nourishment
Sale price$3,995
Crystal healing Summer necklace known for supporting organ healthA woman wearing a crystal healing Summer necklace known for supporting organ health
Healing the Physical Body
Sale price$2,495
Crystal healing Master Healer necklace known for elevateing your healing capacityThree different crystal healing gemstone necklaces with Tanzanite
Master Healer
Embodied Enlightenment
Sale price From $2,995
Crystal healing Inner Quest necklace known for Improving mental focusWoman wearing a crystal healing Inner Quest necklace known for Improving mental focus
Inner Quest
Opening to the Blue Ray
Sale price From $695
Crystal healing Star Aqua gemstone necklace known to rejuvenate oyour mind and brainCrystal healing Star Aqua gemstone necklace known to rejuvenate oyour mind and brain
Star Aqua
Liquid Light Purification
Sale price From $4,495
Crystal healing Solar Light gemstone necklace known for protecting cells from solar and other EMR damageWoman wearing a crystal healing Solar Light gemstone necklace known for protecting cells from solar and other EMR damage
Solar Light
Supporting Genetic Health
Sale price From $3,995
Pharaoh Gemstone NecklacePharaoh Gemstone Necklace
Resolving Egyptian Karma
Sale price$1,495