Natural Home Remedies for Arthritis and Joint Pain
Are you seeking care and relief from Arthritis and joint pain?
While these conditions are common, they need not be inevitable. Both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis respond well to natural remedies, particularly to therapeutic gemstones.
Using therapeutic gems is a natural and easy way to improve joint health, alleviate arthritis pain, and help resolve the symptoms of arthritis.
Healing Gemstone Crystals for Arthritis
Wearing any of these therapeutic gemstone necklaces can help ease arthritis symptoms and resolve their energetic roots:
Light Green Aventurine
Helps ease inflammation and pain in osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia
Helps alleviate longstanding joint pain and degeneration by strengthening and purifying the energies of your skeletal system, including those of your ligaments, joints, and cartilage
Nourishes, repairs, and strengthens the energies of your skeletal system and helps improve the flow of nutrients to bones and joints
Gently realigns joints and relieves arthritis pain; effective for both acute flare-ups and chronic joint pain
Master Healer
Combines Tanzanite, Lavender, and Sugilite to act as a premier tool for arthritis relief. Opens and aligns energetic pathways that allow your innate healing force to flow to ailing and painful joints.
Want to explore more gems for arthritis relief? View our collection of Therapeutic Gemstones for Arthritis.
Natural Arthritis Remedies: An Effective and Long-Lasting Approach to Arthritis Relief
by Dr. Ada González
In the U.S. alone, 23% of all adults, or more than 54 million people, experience arthritis. Why is arthritis so common? Because of our joints’ shape and structure, they naturally receive less blood circulation and energy flow than other parts of the body. Therefore, toxins can accumulate there more easily to interfere with normal functioning. The result is the symptoms we know of as arthritis, including stiffness, reduced range of motion, pain, and inflammation. Osteoarthritis involves a degenerative change in the joints, resulting from wear and tear and overall inflammation in the body. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition that causes chronic inflammation of the joints.
Yet arthritis need not be inevitable. Preventive care, physical activity, and maintaining a healthy weight can go a long way toward preventing joint pain. Wearing high-quality therapeutic gemstone necklaces is another natural and easy way to help prevent or relieve arthritis symptoms by promoting joint health and easing joint pain.
Therapeutic gemstone necklaces are such extraordinary healing tools in part because they're so easy to use. You simply wear them around your neck, and they affect you at the deepest energetic levels to uplift your health. [Editor's note: Using Gemstone Energy Tools is another powerful way to focus and experience the therapeutic benefits of gemstones for arthritis and joint pain.]
Relief for Chronic and Acute Arthritis
One of the first gemstones I recommend for any type of arthritis is Lavender. Wearing a therapeutic Lavender necklace helps to gently and gradually align the joints. This can result in improved blood circulation, energy flow, toxin removal, and ultimately a reduction in pain. Lavender helps resolve blockages, strains, and injuries. It can also ease the pain of fibromyalgia.
Even young people may experience joint pain and inflammation. One man in his mid-20s had chronic knee pain. He had developed degenerative changes in his knee from multiple injuries sustained during his days as a competitive athlete. He started placing a Lavender necklace on his knee every night before sleeping. He was quite pleased to find that after only three days the pain was nearly gone.
People with arthritis often find that just holding a Lavender necklace over the area of pain for a short while can bring relief. In one case, a woman who'd been suffering with arthritis in her hips for years reported that using Lavender daily made a tremendous difference in her symptoms. She experienced an increase in flexibility and a decrease in pain. She said she was able to avoid surgery and to continue enjoying her passion of gardening.
More Strength with Less Pain
Indigo is another powerful gemstone for relieving arthritis pain and helping relieve joint degeneration. Indigo is an effective choice anytime you want to strengthen the energies of your skeletal system, including those of the ligaments, joints, and cartilage. Consequently, wearing Indigo can help resolve almost any condition associated with the joints, including arthritis.
Repairing and Nourishing Joints
I also recommend Apatite, a blue-green gemstone that energetically nourishes all aspects of the joints. Apatite supports the optimal health of your skeletal system and can help maximize your strength during physical exertion. Wearers of Apatite also experience that its nourishing and strengthening influence on the skeletal system can encourage significant progress toward overall health.
For one woman, the first result she noticed from wearing an Apatite necklace was relief from severe joint pain. A serious injury had led to widespread joint degeneration. Her shoulders, hips, knees, and even fingers and toes chronically ached. While wearing an Apatite necklace, the pain gradually abated. Interestingly, after wearing Apatite, she also noticed that she was craving certain healthy foods, such as broccoli and raw salads. Other foods that were not so good for her were no longer appealing. Wearing Apatite encouraged her to make healthy dietary changes, further supporting the health of her joints.
Reliable Source of Therapeutic Gems
One last note: Only gems that meet high standards of quality and purity provide healing results. Learn more about the importance of therapeutic quality here.
Want to explore more gems for arthritis relief? View our collection of Therapeutic Gemstones for Arthritis.

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