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Countdown to Black Friday! 30% Off All Gemstone Necklaces


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Physical Healing

Working with these therapeutic gemstone necklaces can support physical healing, increase vitality, promote the release of toxins, and boost immune function. They are especially supportive when you are looking to recover from illness, relieve pain, strengthen a weak area, or soothe your body after injury.

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Crystal healing Light Green Aventurine gemstone necklace known for uplifting your physical health Man wearing a crystal healing Light Green Aventurine gemstone necklace known for uplifting your physical health
Light Green Aventurine
Uplifting Physical Health
Sale price From $95
Crystal healing Dark Green Aventurine necklace known for strengthening and purifying organsCrystal healing Dark Green Aventurine necklace known for strengthening and purifying organs being played on an arm
Dark Green Aventurine
Purifying the Physical Body
Sale price From $95
Bloodstone healing gem necklace on a clean, white background, known for boosting the immune system through crystal healingA Bloodstone healing gemstone necklace, lays on green moss near a stream, known for boosting the immune system through crystal healing
Immune Strength
Sale price From $145
Crystal healing Lavender necklace known for helping align body, mind and spiritA woman meditating wearing a crystal healing Lavender necklace known for helping align body, mind and spirit
Sale price From $345
Crystal healing Quartz gemstone necklace known for attracting life-force to the wearerA man wearing a crystal healing Quartz gemstone necklace known for attracting life-force to the wearer
Attracting Life Force
Sale price From $99
Crystal healing Malachite gemstone necklace known for increasing communication throughout the bodyA woman wearing a crystal healing Malachite gemstone necklace known for increasing communication throughout the body
Harmonizing the Body
Sale price From $395
Crystal healing Labradorite necklace known for energy protectionCrystal healing Labradorite necklace known for energy protection
Multidimensional Protection
Sale price From $345
Crystal healing True Soul gemstone necklace known for supporting brain healthCrystal healing True Soul gemstone necklace known for supporting brain health
True Soul
Living Your Highest Self
Sale price From $695
Crystal healing Jade necklace known for increasing physical strength and promoting longevityCrystal healing Jade necklace and bracelet known for increasing physical strength and promoting longevity
Green Jade
Longevity and Wisdom
Sale price From $695
Out of Stock Crystal healing Primordial Forest known to help bring nature’s healing power to organsThree crystal healing necklaces with Chrome Diopside
Primordial Forest
Restoring Natural Vitality
Sale price$995
Blood Tonic necklace with Sugilite, Carnelian, Bloodstone therapeutic gemstones - GemisphereBlood Tonic necklace with Sugilite, Carnelian, Bloodstone therapeutic gemstones - Gemisphere
Blood Tonic (Semi-Precious)
Optimizing Blood Health
Sale price From $695
Blood Tonic necklace with Sugilite, Carnelian, Bloodstone therapeutic gemstones - GemisphereBlood Tonic necklace with Sugilite, Carnelian, Bloodstone therapeutic gemstones - Gemisphere
Blood Tonic (Precious)
Optimizing Blood Health
Sale price From $795
Athena necklace with Green Tourmaline, White Flash Moonstone and Blue Lace AgateAthena necklace with Green Tourmaline, White Flash Moonstone and Blue Lace Agate
Strength in Body
Sale price From $845
Crystal healing Summer necklace known for supporting organ healthA woman wearing a crystal healing Summer necklace known for supporting organ health
Healing the Physical Body
Sale price$2,495
Crystal healing Light Green Emerine known for Soothing physical and emotional discomfortMan wearing a crystal healing Light Green Emerine known for Soothing physical and emotional discomfort
Light Green Emerine
Soothing the Body
Sale price From $1,295
Out of Stock Crystal healing Apatite Strength necklace known for purifying and strengthening bones and jointsClose up of a crystal healing Apatite Strength necklace known for purifying and strengthening bones and joints
Apatite Strength
Strengthening Your Structure
Sale price$4,495
Crystal healing Master Healer necklace known for elevateing your healing capacityThree different crystal healing gemstone necklaces with Tanzanite
Master Healer
Embodied Enlightenment
Sale price From $2,995
Crystal healing Mystic Warrior necklace known for promoting  truth and vigorCrystal healing Mystic Warrior necklace known for promoting truth and vigor
Mystic Warrior
Strength in Spirit
Sale price From $795
Nourishing the Physical Body
Sale price From $2,455
Crystal healing Clear Spring necklace known for speeding healing of acute infection or injurySet of three necklaces with Chrome Diopside focusing on physical healing
Clear Spring
Accelerating Healing
Sale price$1,295
Out of Stock Apatite VitalityApatite Vitality
Apatite Vitality
Vitalizing Your Structure
Sale price$2,495
Out of Stock Apatite PurityApatite Purity
Apatite Purity
Purifying Your Structure
Sale price$3,495
Ruby Moon gemstone necklace known for building muscle strength Ruby Moon gemstone necklace
Ruby Moon
Awakening Physical Joy
Sale price From $2,495
Crystal healing Emerald necklace known for healing the physical bodyA woman wearing an Emerald necklace known for physical healing
Healing the Physical Body
Sale price From $5,995
Crystal healing Golden Light necklace known for Infusing your body with purifying white lightThree crystal healing necklaces with golden beryl
Golden Light
Purifying Light
Sale price From $2,295
Crystal healing Chrome Diopside necklace known for awakening your healing wisdom and power through gemstone healingCrystal healing Chrome Diopside necklace lying on a rock known for awakening your healing wisdom and power
Chrome Diopside
Nature’s Healing Wisdom
Sale price From $1,795
Crystal healing Yin Moon necklace known for slowing the aging process
Yin Moon
Replenishing Vitality
Sale price From $4,495